Normative documents regulating natural science education. Law on Higher and Postgraduate Education

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Plan 1.Structure and functions of the standard general education 2. Curriculum. Basic syllabus 3. Curricula 4. Textbook and its didactic characteristics

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Why was there a need for such a document as the standard of education? changes in the field of education maintaining the unity of the educational space Russia's entry into the system of world culture

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The standard of education is a system of basic parameters taken as state norm education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the possibilities real person and the education system to achieve this ideal (V.S. Lednev).

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The standard of education determines: the minimum content of the main educational programs; the maximum amount of teaching load of students; requirements for the level of training of graduates of an educational institution

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Components of the educational standard 1. The federal component ensures the unity of the pedagogical space in Russia. 2. National-regional component - defines the standards that fall within the competence of the regions. 3.School component - reflects the specifics and focus of an individual educational institution.

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Curricula The state standard is reflected in the curriculum of the school. Types of curricula: basic curriculum; exemplary curricula working curricula

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The structure of the school curriculum is an invariant part that ensures the familiarization of students with general cultural and nationally significant values, the formation personal qualities corresponding to social ideals; a variable part that ensures the individual nature of the development of schoolchildren and takes into account their personal characteristics, interests and inclinations.

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The curriculum is a normative document that reveals the content of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject, the logic of studying the main worldview ideas, indicating the sequence of topics, questions and the total dosage of time for their study.

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The structure of the curriculum 1. An explanatory note that defines target areas specific subject, its tasks, educational opportunities, leading scientific ideas. 2. Content of education: a thematic plan, a list of sections and topics for the course, basic concepts, skills, possible types of classes. 3.Methodical instructions on ways to implement the program.

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Types of curricula 1. Model curricula are developed on the basis of the requirements of the state educational standard, approved by the Ministry of General and vocational education Russian Federation and are advisory. 2. Working training programs - contain a description of the national-regional component, take into account the possibilities of methodological, informational, technical support educational process, the level of preparedness of students. 3. Author's curricula contain a different logic of constructing an academic subject, their own approaches to the consideration of certain theories, their own points of view regarding the phenomena and processes being studied.

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Content Deployment Methods educational material 1. The concentric method lies in the fact that the same sections of the program are studied at different levels of education, but in different volumes and depths, depending on the age of the students. Disadvantages: a section of the curriculum cannot be learned deeply enough, slowing down the pace of schooling due to repeated return to the same material. Dignity: expansion of the content of education through new components, a more detailed and in-depth consideration of relationships and dependencies. 2. the linear method arranges the educational material systematically and consistently, with gradual complication, as if along one ascending line, and the new is presented on the basis of what is already known and in close connection with it. Advantages: educational material is arranged systematically and sequentially, with gradual complication, time saving. The disadvantage of the linear method is that at different levels of education, students are not always able to master certain complex phenomena.

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The content of the curricula is specified in the educational literature. Educational literature is textbooks, educational and teaching aids recommended by the Ministry of Education or the Main Department of Education of the region (for the regional component). A textbook is the main educational book on a particular discipline, which sets out a system of basic knowledge in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, taking into account the specifics age development children and the peculiarities of the method of teaching this subject at school. The content of the textbook should fully disclose the typical program, and its title should correspond to the title of the subject. Textbook - a textbook that is an addition to the textbook. Unlike a textbook, a textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only a part of it, include not only generally accepted knowledge and provisions, but also hypotheses that have not yet been confirmed, various opinions. Textbooks include reading books, collections of tasks and exercises, atlases, etc. Teaching aid- educational publication on the methodology of teaching any discipline or part of it. This educational literature is addressed to teachers.

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Textbook - a textbook that is an addition to the textbook. Unlike a textbook, a textbook may not cover the entire discipline, but only part of it.

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Educational and methodical manual - an educational publication on the methodology of teaching any discipline or part of it. This educational literature is addressed to teachers.

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The textbook is the most important means of organizing the educational process in self-study. Textbooks were written by well-known teachers and educators - Ya.A. Comenius, M.V. Lomonosov, K.D. Ushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy.

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“A textbook is a book that systematically sets out the basics of knowledge in a particular area at the level modern achievements science and culture” V.V. Davydov "A textbook is any material medium (book, film, computer development, etc.) that includes the content of education in a particular field of knowledge." V.P. Bespalko “A textbook is a book or other information carrier that contains systematic educational material necessary for the organization of education in a specific course of study”. A.V. Khutorskoy

The skill of pedagogical communication. Communicative culture teacher.

Normative documents regulating the content of general secondary education.

Educational plansregulations guiding the activities of the school.

Several types of curricula are used in the practice of a modern general education school.

Basic Plan general educational institutions- this is the main state regulatory document, which is an integral part of the state standard in this field of education. It is approved by the State Duma (for the basic school) or the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation (for the full high school). Being part of the state standard, the basic curriculum is state norm of general secondary education, which establishes requirements for the structure, content and level of education of students.

The basic curriculum covers the following range of standards:

– duration of training (in academic years) general and for each of its steps;

– weekly teaching load for core areas at each level of general secondary education, compulsory classes of students' choice and optional classes;

- the maximum mandatory weekly study load of a student, including the number of teaching hours allocated to compulsory elective classes;

- the total number of school hours funded by the state (maximum mandatory teaching load for schoolchildren, extracurricular activities, individual and extracurricular work, division of study groups into subgroups).

The core curriculum serves basis for the development of regional, model curricula and the source document for school funding.

Model Curriculum- is advisory in nature and is developed on the basis of a basic plan. Approved by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation. This type of curriculum is not always suitable for new educational institutions (gymnasiums, lyceums, higher vocational schools) that develop their own documents.

The curriculum of the secondary school is developed on the basis of the state basic and regional curricula. It reflects the characteristics of a particular school. There are two types of school curricula:

- the actual curriculum of the school, which is developed on the basis of the basic curriculum for a long period. It reflects the characteristics of a particular school;

- a working curriculum, developed taking into account current conditions and approved annually by the school council.

Educational areas and, on their basis, the acquisition of curricula of the corresponding levels of educational institutions allows us to distinguish two types of education: theoretical and practical.

In the structure of the curriculum, there are invariant part(core), ensuring the familiarization of students with general cultural and nationally significant values ​​and the formation of personal qualities of the student and variable part which ensures the individual character of the development of students.

The curricula highlight federal, national-regional and school components.

Based on the curriculum are compiled learning programs in all subjects.

Training program- This is a normative document that outlines the range of basic knowledge, skills and abilities to be mastered in each individual subject. It includes:

- a list of topics of the studied material;

- their distribution by years of study;

- the time allotted for the study of the entire course. There are several types of training programs:

- standard programs;

– working school programs;

Model programs are approved by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation and are advisory in nature. They outline only the most generalized, basic range of general educational knowledge, skills, abilities and a system of leading scientific worldview ideas, as well as the most general recommendations methodical nature with a list of the necessary and sufficient means and teaching methods specific to a particular academic subject.

On model are drawn up work programs which, as a rule, reflect the national-regional component, local or school, take into account the possibilities of the methodological potential of teaching, as well as information, technical support and, of course, the level of preparedness of students.

Author's programs differ both in the logic of building the course, and in the depth of the questions and theories raised in them, and in the nature of their coverage by the author of the program. They are most often used in the teaching of special elective courses, compulsory electives and other academic subjects. Such programs, subject to reviews, are approved by the school council.

The curriculum is structurally composed of three main components:

explanatory letter, which sets out the goals and objectives of studying the subject;

guidelines on the ways of implementing the program, concerning methods, organizational forms, teaching aids, as well as assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the process of studying this academic subject.

Structurally, curricula are divided into linear, concentric, spiral and mixed.

At linear structure, individual parts of the material form a continuous sequence of closely interconnected links that are worked out during training, as a rule, once.

concentric the structure implies a return to the knowledge being studied. The presentation of the same issue is gradually expanding, enriched with new information, connections and dependencies.

Recently, the so-called spiral way building school programs. characteristic feature The spiral structure of the presentation of the material is that students, without losing sight of the original problem, gradually build up and deepen the circle of knowledge related to it.

mixed combine linear and concentric schemes, which allows flexible distribution of educational material.


One of the main means of personality development and the formation of its basic culture is the content of education. In traditional pedagogy, the content of education is defined as "a set of systematized knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs, as well as a certain level of development of cognitive forces and practical training, achieved as a result of educational work." This is the so-called knowledge-oriented approach to determining the essence of the content of education. With this approach, the focus is on knowledge as a reflection of the spiritual wealth of mankind, accumulated in the process of search and historical experience. Knowledge, of course, is an important social value, and therefore the knowledge-oriented content of education is of unconditional importance. It contributes to the socialization of the individual, the entry of a person into society. From this point of view, such content of education is a life-supporting system.

The main theories of the formation of the content of education were formed at the end of the 18th - early XIX centuries They are called the material and formal theory of the formation of the content of education.

as a separate area social life education has special structure that ensures its operation. There are different approaches to understanding the structure educational system. According to I.P. Podlasy, who considers the education system from the outside, it includes educational institutions, educational authorities, documents that ensure the functioning of the educational system (educational standards, curricula and programs, textbooks and teaching aids).

General requirements for the content of education

The content of education is one of the factors of the economic and social progress of society and should be focused on:

ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization;

development of society;

strengthening and improvement of the rule of law.

The content of education should provide:

adequate to the world level of the general and professional culture of the society;

the formation of a student adequate to the modern level of knowledge and level educational program(levels of education) pictures of the world;

integration of personality into national and world culture;

the formation of a person and a citizen integrated into the society of his day and aimed at improving this society;

the formation of a spiritual and moral personality;

reproduction and development of the personnel potential of the society.

Vocational education at any level should ensure that students receive a profession and appropriate qualifications.

The content of education should promote mutual understanding and cooperation between people, nations, regardless of racial, national, ethnic, religious and social affiliation, take into account the diversity of worldview approaches, promote the realization of the right of students to freely choose their opinions and beliefs.

The content of education in a specific educational institution is determined by the educational program (s) approved and implemented by this educational institution independently, as well as by the charter. The main educational program in a state-accredited educational institution is developed on the basis of the relevant exemplary basic educational programs and must ensure that students (pupils) achieve the results of mastering the main educational programs established by the relevant federal state educational standards or educational standards established in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 7 of this Law .

Authorized federal state bodies ensure the development of exemplary basic educational programs based on federal state educational standards or federal state requirements, taking into account their level and focus.

Exemplary basic educational programs, taking into account their level and focus, may include a basic curriculum and exemplary programs training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules).

An educational institution, in accordance with its statutory goals and objectives, may implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services (on a contractual basis) outside the educational programs that determine its status.

In educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education, educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education in accordance with federal state educational standards in the manner prescribed by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, students of basic knowledge about the defense of the state, about the military duty of citizens and the acquisition by students of skills in the field of civil defense, as well as the training of students - male citizens who have not passed military service, on the basics of military service.

An educational institution, when implementing educational programs, uses the capabilities of cultural institutions.


One of current trends development of the content of education is its standardization, which is caused by two circumstances. First of all, the need to create a single pedagogical space in the country, thanks to which a single level of general education will be provided for young people in different types of educational institutions. The standardization of the content of education is also due to the task of Russia's entry into the system of world culture, which requires taking into account the trends in the development of the content of general education in international educational practice.
The concept of a standard comes from English word standart, meaning "norm, sample, measure." The standard of education is understood as a system of basic parameters accepted as the state norm of education, reflecting the social ideal and taking into account the possibilities of a real person and the education system to achieve this ideal.
The education standard is the main normative document that interprets a certain part of the Law. The Law of the Russian Federation on Education (1992) provides that state authorities standardize only minimal required level education. Determination of the content of education in excess of this norm is within the competence of educational institutions. That is why three components are distinguished in the state standard of general secondary education: federal, national-regional and school.
The federal component determines those standards, the observance of which ensures the unity of the pedagogical space in Russia, as well as the integration of the individual into the system of world culture.
The national-regional component contains regulations in the field mother tongue and literature, history, geography, art, labor training, etc. They are within the competence of the regions and educational institutions.

The standard establishes the scope of the school component of the content of education, reflecting the specifics and focus of a particular educational institution.
The education standard reflects the obligations, on the one hand, of the state to its citizen, and on the other hand, of the citizen to the state in the field of education. The state requires its citizen to achieve a certain standard of education and guarantees, in turn, the necessary level of educational services for this.
The federal and national-regional components of the education standard include:
a description of the content of education at each of its levels, which the state provides to the student in the amount of the necessary general education; requirements for the minimum necessary training of students within the specified scope of content;
the maximum allowable amount of teaching load for schoolchildren by year of study.
Until now, general education standards in our country and abroad have been presented in the form of programs and requirements for the level of preparation of schoolchildren in individual academic subjects. On their basis, a wide variety of working curricula can be developed.

In the Russian Federation, federal state educational standards are established, which are a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education by educational institutions with state accreditation.

In accordance with the Federal Law of August 22, 1996 N 125-FZ "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" (hereinafter - the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education"), the implementation of programs of higher professional and postgraduate professional education can be carried out on the basis of educational standards and requirements independently established by the Moscow state university named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University, federal universities, universities for which the category "national research university”, as well as other federal state educational institutions of higher professional education, the list of which is approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The requirements for the conditions of implementation and the results of mastering the basic educational programs included in such educational standards cannot be lower than the corresponding requirements of federal state educational standards.

Federal state educational standards and requirements must provide:

1) the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;

2) continuity of the main educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general, primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher professional education.

Federal state educational standards and requirements include requirements for:

1) the structure of the main educational programs, including the requirements for the ratio of parts of the main educational program and their volume, as well as the ratio of the mandatory part of the main educational program and the part formed by the participants in the educational process;

2) conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, including personnel, financial, logistical and other conditions;

3) the results of mastering the main educational programs.

When implementing basic educational programs for students with handicapped health, special federal state educational standards can be established.

The development and approval of federal state educational standards are carried out in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Federal state educational standards are approved at least once every ten years.

Federal state educational standards and requirements are the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates, regardless of the form of education.

Law on Higher and Postgraduate Education

Legal regulation of relations in the field of higher and postgraduate professional education

1. Legal regulation of relations in the field of higher and postgraduate professional education is carried out by this Federal Law, other laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts.

2. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those provided for by this Federal Law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

public policy and state guarantees the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of higher and postgraduate professional education

The state policy in the field of higher and postgraduate professional education is based on the principles defined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", as well as on the following principles:

2) continuity and continuity of the education process;

3) integration of the system of higher and postgraduate professional education of the Russian Federation while maintaining and developing the achievements and traditions of the Russian high school into the global system of higher education;

4) competitiveness and publicity in determining priority areas for the development of science, engineering, technology, as well as training of specialists, retraining and advanced training of workers;

5) state support for the training of specialists, priority areas scientific research in the field of higher and postgraduate professional education.

The state ensures the priority development of higher and postgraduate professional education through:

1) funding from the federal budget for training in federal state educational institutions of higher professional education for at least one hundred and seventy students for every ten thousand people living in the Russian Federation;

2) expanding the access of citizens of the Russian Federation to higher education;

4) providing students (students, graduate students, doctoral students and other categories of students) in the state system of higher and postgraduate professional education government scholarships, places in hostels, other measures of social support in accordance with the law;

5) creating conditions for equal accessibility of higher and postgraduate professional education;

7) creating conditions for the integration of higher and postgraduate professional education and science.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are guaranteed to receive, on a competitive basis, free higher and postgraduate professional education in state and municipal educational institutions of higher professional education within the limits of federal state educational standards, federal state requirements and educational standards and requirements established in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 5 of this Federal Law, if the citizen receives education of this level for the first time.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are guaranteed the freedom to choose the form of obtaining higher and postgraduate professional education, the educational institution and the direction of training (specialty).

Restrictions on the rights of citizens to receive higher and postgraduate professional education may be established exclusively by federal law only to the extent necessary to protect the morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of others, to ensure the defense of the country and the security of the state.

Documents on higher and postgraduate professional education

Persons who have completed training in educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education and have passed the final certification are issued documents on the appropriate level of education.

A higher educational institution with state accreditation issues state-recognized documents to graduates on the appropriate level of education with the official symbols of the Russian Federation. The form of a state document is approved by the federal executive body, which performs the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University issue to graduates documents on the appropriate level of education and (or) qualifications with the official symbols of the Russian Federation, which are certified by the seal of Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University, respectively. state university and the forms of which are approved by these universities respectively.

Documents on the appropriate level of education and (or) qualifications issued by the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, St. Petersburg State University give their holders rights similar to the rights provided for holders of state documents on the appropriate level of education and qualifications.

The following types of documents on the levels of higher professional education are established:

Bachelor's degree;

specialist diploma;

master's degree.

The decision of the state attestation commission on awarding a qualification (degree) to a graduate and issuing him a state-recognized document on higher professional education can be canceled by the federal executive body that approved the chairman of the state attestation commission only if the established procedure for issuing state-recognized documents is violated through the fault of the student on higher professional education.

Based on the results of defending a dissertation, a diploma of a candidate of sciences or a diploma of a doctor of sciences is issued in accordance with the established procedure.

Educational programs

The educational program determines the content of education of a certain level and direction. In the Russian Federation, educational programs are being implemented, which are divided into:

1) general education (basic and additional);

2) professional (basic and additional).

The main general educational programs are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, and creating the basis for a conscious choice and development of professional educational programs.

The main general education programs include:

1) preschool education;

2) primary general education;

3) basic general education;

4) secondary (complete) general education.

The main professional educational programs are aimed at solving the problems of consistently improving the professional and general educational levels, training specialists of the appropriate qualification.

The main professional programs include:

1) initial vocational education;

2) secondary vocational education;

3) higher professional education (bachelor's degree programs, specialist training programs and master's degree programs);

4) postgraduate professional education.

The main general educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education ensure the implementation of the federal state educational standard, taking into account the type and type of educational institution, educational needs and requests of students, pupils and include the curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that provide spiritual and moral development, education and quality of training of students.

The main professional educational programs of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education ensure the implementation of the federal state educational standard, taking into account the type and type of educational institution, the educational needs and requests of students and include the curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that ensure the education and quality of training of students, as well as educational and industrial practice, calendar training schedule and teaching materials that ensure the implementation of the appropriate educational technology.

The main educational programs of higher professional education, established in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 7 of this Law, include the curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines and other materials. They ensure the education and quality of training of students, as well as programs of educational and industrial practice, a calendar study schedule and methodological materials that ensure the implementation of appropriate educational technology.

Federal state requirements are established for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation by the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education.

Federal state requirements are established by the authorized federal executive body for the structure of the main professional educational program of postgraduate professional education (with the exception of doctoral studies).

Regulatory terms for the development of basic educational programs in state and municipal educational institutions are determined by this Law, other federal laws adopted in accordance with it and model regulations on educational institutions relevant types and types or the relevant federal state educational standards, or federal state requirements, or educational standards and requirements established in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 7 of this Law.

Additional educational program includes working programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules).

To a minimum of the content of an additional professional educational program and the level of professional retraining, the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education may establish federal state requirements in cases provided for by federal laws.


The personality is at the center of learning, education. Accordingly, all education, centering on the student, on his personality, becomes anthropocentric in purpose, content and forms of organization.

Modern education, seen as social institution, system, process, result, represents the unity of education and upbringing, which implement the basic principles of changing its paradigm from informational, informing to developing independent cognitive activity of the student. The directions of learning in the educational process reflect the search by psychological and pedagogical science for how to optimize this process, which is intended to provide a personal-activity approach.

The psychological service is an organic component of the modern education system, ensuring the timely identification and maximum use in the education and upbringing of children, their intellectual and personal potential, the child's inclinations, abilities, interests and inclinations.

The pedagogical service is also called upon to ensure the timely identification of reserves pedagogical development children, their implementation in training and education. If we are talking about children who are lagging behind in their development from most other children, then the task of a practical teacher is to identify and eliminate possible causes of developmental delays in time. If it concerns gifted children, then a similar task, connected with the acceleration of the pedagogical development of the child, is transformed into a problem: ensuring the early detection of inclinations and their transformation into highly developed abilities.

Another one difficult task in the psychological service in the education system is to constantly, throughout childhood, keep under control the processes of education and upbringing of children in order to improve the quality of education and upbringing. This means that it is necessary to build these pedagogical processes in strict accordance with natural and social laws mental development children, with the main provisions of the psychological theory of training and education. Practical purpose The work of the teacher here comes down to assessing the content and methods of teaching and educating children from the perspective of this science, used in various children's institutions, to give recommendations for their improvement, taking into account scientific data on the development of children. different ages. Thus, education as a combination of training and upbringing is a means of personal development and the formation of its basic culture at various age levels.

Unfortunately, at present there is no close connection between practice and theory in the legal framework regulating the content of education.

I believe that any regulatory document should regulate the content of education, in the center of which the personality is placed and ensure the availability of knowledge at any stage of education, regardless of the region of the Russian Federation. The relationship of the regulatory framework of the educational system at all levels of government (federal, regional, municipal). The basis for making changes to the education legislation should be based on practice, which is the main demonstration material in the upbringing and education of the individual.

Syllabus - a normative document that defines the composition of educational subjects; the order (sequence) of their study by year of study; weekly and annual number of teaching hours devoted to the study of each subject; structure and duration of the academic year.

In the practice of a modern general education school, several types of curricula are used: basic curriculum, standard federal and regional curricula and the actual curriculum of the School.

Basic Curriculum- This is the main state regulatory document, which is an integral part of the State Educational Standard. The basic curriculum for a basic school is approved by the State Duma, and for a complete secondary school - by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

The core curriculum defines:

    total duration of study (in academic years) and for each level;

    the maximum volume of the study load of students, the composition of educational areas and academic subjects;

    study time allocated for the development of the content of education by grade, educational area and academic subjects;

    weekly teaching load for basic courses at each level of general secondary education, for compulsory classes of students' choice and for optional classes.

The core curriculum serves as the basis for developing model federal and regional curricula and the source document for financing the educational institution.

Regional Curriculum is developed by regional educational authorities on the basis of the federal basic curriculum. It carries a regulatory burden at the regional level, is the basis for the development of the curriculum of an educational institution.

School curriculum is compiled in compliance with the standards of the basic curriculum. There are two types of such plans: actual curriculum And working curriculum. Based on the state basic curriculum for a long period, a actual curriculum. It reflects the characteristics of a particular school (one of the standard curricula can be taken as it). Taking into account the current conditions, it is being developed working curriculum. It is annually approved by the school's pedagogical council. The structure of the curriculum includes:

the invariant part ensuring the familiarization of students with general cultural and nationally significant values, the formation of personal qualities that correspond to social ideals;

variable part, ensuring the individual character of the development of schoolchildren and taking into account their personal characteristics, interests and inclinations.

In the curriculum of a general education institution, these two parts are represented by three main types training sessions: compulsory classes, constituting the basic core of general secondary education; compulsory classes at the choice of students; extracurricular activities.

As an example, let us cite the basic curriculum of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

The means of implementing educational standards in practice are educational programs, which are also called educational programs. The term "educational program" is official, fixed in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

Educational programs determine the content of education of a certain level and focus. In the Russian Federation, educational programs are being implemented, divided into general educational(main and additional) and professional(main and additional).

General education programs aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, creating the basis for a conscious choice and development of professional educational programs.

General educational programs include programs of preschool education, primary general education, basic general education, secondary (complete) general education.

Professional educational programs are aimed at solving the problems of consistent improvement of professional and general educational levels, training of specialists of appropriate qualifications.

Professional programs include programs of initial vocational education, secondary vocational education, higher professional education, and postgraduate professional education.

The mandatory minimum content of each basic general education program or the main professional education program (for a specific profession, specialty) is established by the relevant state educational standard, he also determines the normative terms for their development in state and municipal educational institutions.

General educational programs are implemented in preschool educational institutions, educational institutions of primary general, basic general, secondary general education, including special (correctional) educational institutions for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, educational institutions for orphans and children left behind. without the care of parents (legal representatives).

Educational programs of special (correctional) educational institutions are developed on the basis of basic general education programs, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development and the capabilities of students.

The educational programs of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education are successive, i.e. each subsequent program is based on the previous one.

Let's take a closer look at what general education programs are implemented in schools. More often they are called curricula of a certain subject.

Training program - this is a normative document outlining the range of basic knowledge, skills and abilities that must be mastered in each individual subject.

Study programs can be standard, working And copyright.

Typical curricula are developed on the basis of the State educational standard for a particular discipline. They are advisory in nature.

workers curricula are created on the basis of standard, approved pedagogical council schools. They reflect the requirements of the educational standard and the capabilities of a particular educational institution.

Copyright curricula take into account the requirements of the educational standard, but may have a different logic of presentation of educational material, author's views on the phenomena and processes being studied. They are discussed (defended) at the school teachers' council or meetings of district methodological associations. After that, the programs are approved for use in the educational process. Author's programs are most often developed for elective courses, electives.

The study programs are structurally composed of three main components. The first component is explanatory note, which defines the target areas for the study of this particular subject in the system academic disciplines general education school, the main objectives of the subject, one hundred educational opportunities, leading scientific ideas underlying the construction of the subject. The second component is the actual content of education: thematically]": a plan, a list of sections and topics for the course, basic concepts, skills, possible types of classes. The third component is some guidelines on ways to implement the program.

Historically, there have been two structural ways of presenting educational material in programs: concentric And linear. Recently gaining ground spiral way presentation. There is also mixed the structure of the presentation of educational material.

Linear way The presentation consists in the fact that the material of each subsequent stage of education is a logical continuation of what was studied in previous years.

At concentric way presentation, the material of this stage of education in a more complicated form is studied at subsequent stages. Con-centrism is due to the need to take into account age features students.

characteristic feature spiral way presentation of the material is that the circle of knowledge on the original problem is constantly expanding and deepening. Unlike the concentric structure, in which the original problem is sometimes returned even after several years, there are no such breaks in the spiral structure.

There is also mixed way presentation of the material, which is a combination of the above approaches.

The specific content of the educational material is disclosed in textbooks and teaching aids various types: anthologies, reference books, task books, books for additional reading, workshops, collections of texts, dictionaries, maps, atlases, teaching aids for students and teachers, educational and methodological complexes, workbooks, etc. fixed

Primary importance in the disclosure of the content of the material belongs to the textbook. Textbook - This is a book that lays out the foundations of scientific knowledge in a particular academic subject.

The textbook performs two main functions: it is a source of educational information that reveals the content provided for by the educational standard in an accessible form for students; acts as a learning tool through which the organization of the educational process, including the self-education of students.

The structure of the textbook includes text(as the main component) and non-textual(auxiliary) Components.

The texts are divided into descriptive texts, narrative texts, reasoning texts. Also allocate main, additional and explanatory texts.

Main text, in turn, it is divided into two components: theoretical-cognitive and instrumental-practical. The epistemological component includes: basic terms; key concepts and their definitions; basic facts, phenomena, processes, events; experiences; description of laws, theories, leading ideas: conclusions, etc.

The instrumental-practical component includes the characteristics of the main methods of cognition, the rules for applying knowledge, methods of mastering and independent search for knowledge; description of tasks, experiments, exercises, experiments; reviews, sections, systematizing and integrating educational material.

Additional text includes documents; textbook material; appeal to readers; biographical, ethnological, statistical information; reference materials outside the scope of the program.

Explanatory text includes subject introductions to the textbook, sections, chapters; notes, explanations: dictionaries; determinants; explanations for maps, diagrams, diagrams; pointers.

In addition to the educational text, the textbooks contain the so-called out-of-text components. The extra-text components are apparatus for organizing the assimilation of material; illustrative material; orientation device.

The apparatus for organizing the assimilation of the material includes: questions, tasks, memos, instructional materials, tables, font selections, captions for illustrated material, exercises.

Illustrative material includes subject and plot materials, document, technical maps, diagrams, diagrams, plans, drawings, instructions, methods, graphs, reference books, illustrations.

The orientation apparatus includes a preface, a table of contents, notes, appendices, indexes, signal symbols.

The addition to the textbook is study guides, that deepen and expand its content.

There are certain requirements for educational literature, especially textbooks. The textbook must reflect the logic of science, the logic of the curriculum and the logic of the subject. It should contain highly scientific material and at the same time be accessible to students, take into account the peculiarities of their interests, perception, thinking, memory. The formulation of the main provisions, conclusions should be distinguished by the utmost clarity and clarity. The language of presentation of the material should be figurative, fascinating with elements of a problematic presentation. A good textbook is informative, encyclopedic, encourages self-education and creativity.

Questions for self-control

1. What is meant by the content of education?

2. Name the approaches to determining the essence of the content of education.

    What are the criteria and principles for selecting the content of education?

    What is the purpose of the State Educational Standard?

5. What are the normative documents regulating the content of education?

Main literature

    Pedagogy: Proc. allowance for students. ped. universities and ped. colleges / Ed. P.I. Pidkasistogo. Moscow: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998.

    Kharlamov I. F. Pedagogy: Compact, textbook. well. Minsk.: Universitetskoe, 2001.

    Khutorskoy A.V. Modern didactics: Textbook for universities. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.

Additional literature

    Zuev D. D. School textbook. M., 1983.

    What to be a textbook: didactic principles of construction / Ed. I. Ya. Lerner and N. M. Shakhmaev. Ch. 1.2. M., 1992.

    National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation // National Education. 2000. No. 2.

    The concept of the structure and content of general secondary education (in the 12th school). M., 2001.

    Educational standards of Russian schools. State standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education. Book. 1.2 / Ed. V. S. Lsdnsva, N. D. Nikandrova, M. N. Lazutova. M.: TC Sphere, 1998.

Technologies and methods of teaching literature Philology Team of authors --

1.3.1. Documents regulating the content of literary education

Keywords:State educational standard, literary education programs, basic curriculum.

The content of school literary education at the conceptual level is defined State educational standard on literature and exemplary programs compiled on its basis for different stages and levels of education. Part State standard is basic curriculum, which determines the place of literature as an academic subject and the amount of study time for its study in the system of general secondary education of schoolchildren.

The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 385 hours for the compulsory study of the subject "Literature" at the stage basic general education. In grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 70 hours are allocated (based on 2 teaching hours per week), in grade 9 - 105 hours (based on 3 teaching hours in Week).

The exemplary program is designed for 319 study hours, the provided reserve of free study time is 66 study hours (or 17%) for the implementation of author's approaches, the use of various forms of organization of the educational process, the introduction modern methods training and pedagogical technologies. The hours indicated in the program for the study of the work of a particular writer suggest the possibility of including, in addition to those named in the program, other aesthetically significant works, if this does not conflict with the principle of accessibility and does not lead to an overload of students.

In the senior (10–11) grades, i.e. at the stage middle (complete )general education, The federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation allocates 350 hours for the compulsory study of the academic subject "Literature". In grades 10–11, 175 hours are allocated (based on 5 teaching hours in Week).

The Exemplary Program has 300 study hours, the provided reserve of free study time is 50 study hours (or 14%) for the implementation of author's approaches, the use of various forms of organization of the educational process, the introduction of modern teaching methods and pedagogical technologies. The hours indicated in the program for the study of the work of a particular writer suggest the possibility of including, in addition to those named in the program, other aesthetically significant works, if this does not conflict with the principle of accessibility and does not lead to an overload of students. When drawing up lesson planning within the allotted time, hours for development are necessarily provided writing students.

From the book Theory of Literature author Khalizev Valentin Evgenievich

From the book Technologies and Methods of Teaching Literature author Philology Team of authors --

1.2. Goals and objectives of literary education

From the author's book

1.3.2. Programs of School Literary Education Key words: principle of concentres, chronological (linear) principle. Based on the State Educational Standard in Literature and Model Programs for Basic and Complete General Education in Literature

From the author's book

1.3.3. Components of the content of school literary education Key words: scientific component, aesthetic component, existential component, communicative component. The goals and objectives of literary education, the specifics of literature as an academic subject determine

From the author's book

1.4. Stages of school literary education In accordance with the State Educational Standard for Literature in Modern general education school the following levels of literary education are defined: grades 1–4 - the stage of primary general

From the author's book

CHAPTER 3 The process of school literary education 3.1. Essence and components of the process of school literary education New concepts: educational process, process of literary education, components of the process of literary education, aesthetic

From the author's book

3.3. Objects of study in the process of literary education The specificity of literature as an academic subject determines the nature and characteristics of its content. Let us turn to the description of the objects of study in school course literature. The object indicated in the previous paragraph

From the author's book

3.4. Reading as the most important component of the process of literary education USEFUL QUOTE “Reading a work of art is a complex creative process, which is a fusion of pictures of objective reality depicted, understood and evaluated by the writer, and

From the author's book

3.4.1. Reading and its role in the process of literary education KEY QUOTE “... The best and surest thing that we can learn from various pedagogical opinions about the teaching of literature in gymnasiums is that writers should be read. Reading is the basis of theoretical

From the author's book

3.4.3. Types of reading in the process of literary education USEFUL QUOTE “Reading is a window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves. It opens before the child only when, along with reading, simultaneously with it, and even before the book is opened for the first time,

From the author's book

3.5. Pedagogical communication in the process of literary education 3.5.1. Communication as the main mechanism of interaction in the educational process USEFUL QUOTE

From the author's book

3.5.2. Dialogical Communication in the Process of Literary Education Key concepts: dialogue, dialogueness, monologueness, dialogue experience. USEFUL QUOTE "Dialogue is the only form of relation to a person-person that preserves his freedom and incompletion." MM.

From the author's book

3.7. Activities of the teacher and students in the process of literary education 3.7.1. Activity approach in teaching literature To ensure the comprehensive development of schoolchildren, it is necessary to organize their participation in a variety of activities. The concept of learning in

From the author's book

CHAPTER 4 Organization of the process of literary education Key words: organizational form of education, extracurricular activities, classification of lessons, non-traditional lesson, lesson structure, independent activity. USEFUL QUOTE "Organizational form of learning -

From the author's book

4.1. Forms of organization of the process of literary education The main forms of organization of the process of literary education of schoolchildren are: lesson; independent activity of students; extracurricular activities. Successful implementation of the process of literary

From the author's book

6.2. Method of projects in the process of school literary education Among the personality-oriented methods, a special place in the process of modern literary education of schoolchildren belongs to the project methodology. Methodists in both foreign and Russian science