Doctoral studies work in this specialty. Admission to doctoral studies in Trento. Doctorate without PhD

Doctorate is a form of training for masters and scientific works nicks to compete for doctoral degrees in various sciences. You can get a doctoral degree almost anywhere in the world. The difference is only in the cost of education and individual nuances of teaching subjects. In addition, the degree of Doctor of Science is common in Russia, when in the West it is called the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

PhD in Russia

To become a doctoral student in Russian educational institution, you must first obtain a Ph.D. It should be noted right away that in Russia the system of training scientists is divided into two levels. First you need to complete graduate school and get a PhD degree, and then apply for doctoral studies. The fact is that not everyone is able to enter it, since there is a strict selection of candidates.

Thus, before submitting documents for admission to a PhD doctoral program, an applicant must first graduate from the university and become a bachelor, then a master and a graduate student. You can study at any university - there are no restrictions on this. Some people think that in order to get a PhD, one has to graduate from one of Moscow's universities. In fact, bachelor's and master's degrees can be obtained in any city.

The duration of doctoral studies in Russia is 3 years. An error of six months is allowed, depending on the program. Thus, to obtain a PhD in Russia, a student needs to study for 12 years in total. The doctoral course itself always takes place in full-time. For excellent studies, the best doctoral students are paid a substantial scholarship. Payment for a hostel depends on the internal regulations of the university.

Doctorate DBA in Russia

Domestic universities offer their students not only a doctoral degree, but also various economic programs (similar to foreign DBAs). They are aimed at teaching the skills of managing various business structures. And yet, in this case, the doctoral program is still a research program. Each doctoral student will have to fulfill all the requirements of scientific supervisors, conduct a lot of research, and eventually defend a dissertation (his own business project).

To enter a domestic university for a doctorate in economics, you must pass an interview. There are no entrance exams. Thus, the decision to enroll an applicant for doctoral studies is made by a special scientific council headed by the rector based on the student's personal achievements. Not only grades from a master's degree are taken into account, but also academic work experience, topics and results of research, publications, media appearances, reports, inventions, etc.

The cost of doctoral studies in Russia

Domestic public and private educational institutions provide a number of budget places for which only the best graduate students can apply. In this case, we will talk about a free form of education and serious scholarships. Other masters can enter paid basis. The cost of the program varies within 200 thousand rubles a year. Compared to the West, doctoral students in Russia study for a symbolic amount.

Comparison of doctoral studies in Russia and abroad

Abroad, studying under the PhD program is very prestigious, and its graduates are in high demand in the academic and analytical fields. PhD holders can get a job at any university, receiving an impressive salary and insurance. In addition, PhDs are also in demand in big business, they manage state research projects etc.

Studying a PhD abroad takes about 5 years. During this time, the student must not only complete a certain course of subjects, but also conduct active academic activities. In parallel with this, doctoral students produce scientific publications and prepare for the defense of their dissertations. The difference between doctoral studies in philosophy and its Russian counterpart is that both masters and bachelors can enter the PhD program abroad. Similar requirements apply to applicants for the MBA program.

Business schools are very common in the West. They prepare both masters of economic sciences and doctors. The term of study varies depending on many factors, but on average it is about 3-4 years. After graduating from an MBA or DBA program, graduates occupy senior positions in major Western companies, earning millions of dollars.

The PhD program costs at least $50,000. A full MBA course is estimated at an average of $ 120 thousand, DBA - up to a quarter of a million dollars. However, this money is more than paid off after a couple of years of work in the profession.

Alena Masterova, Milan

Thank you for your help with the selection and preparation of documents for the MBA program. She did the right thing by not listening to anyone and went to you. You did a great job, now it's all up to me.

The question of how to enter graduate school is usually relevant for university graduates who have received a diploma of higher education (with an average score of at least 4.5) and a specialist or master's qualification. Those who enter graduate school are mainly those who aspire to scientific activity and teaching in higher education. Full-time education is designed for three years, part-time - for four.

Conditions for admission to graduate school

With a diploma of higher education, anyone has the right to enter graduate school. The easiest way to study will be given to those who have experience in student research work and the defense of a graduation project. When approbating a diploma (writing articles on the topic of research, speaking with scientific reports at conferences), the necessary skills are acquired for future postgraduate research activities.

The path of a graduate student is not easy! The most persistent and hardworking students succeed in defending their Ph.D. thesis immediately after graduating.

For many, admission to graduate school does not end with a successful defense after the end of the prescribed three years of study, but stretches out for almost five years. According to statistics, only one out of five graduate students defends within the time limits set by the plan. Therefore, along with the topical question of how to enter graduate school, it is necessary to ask the question of how to defend a dissertation in time.

Postgraduate Student Responsibilities

Attention!The defense of a dissertation is not the only task that a graduate student must complete.

Postgraduate responsibilities include:

  • daily attendance;
  • writing a certain number of scientific articles on the topic of their research;
  • consultations with the supervisor.

In the third year of study, Internship, within which a third-year graduate student must conduct classes in student classrooms. At the end of each semester, at a meeting of the profiling department in the presence of all members of the department and the supervisor, a postgraduate student is assessed with the acceptance of his report on the work done.

With all this, one should not forget about the main goal - writing a dissertation work, because. it is she who is the result of three years of study.

After a successful defense, the dissertation student is awarded the degree of Candidate of Sciences. If you have not changed your mind about applying, then you can prepare a package of documents.

Documents for admission to graduate school

So, we have an applicant with good basic training, confident in his abilities and aimed at scientific career.

It is important to know!What documents do you need to prepare for admission to graduate school.

The list of documents is as follows:

  • application for admission to graduate school;
  • autobiography;
  • a certified copy of a higher education diploma;
  • a certified copy of the diploma insert;
  • a certified copy of the work book (if any);
  • characteristics from the place of work (for employees);
  • photo 3x4 (3 pcs.);
  • medical certificate of the established form;
  • substantiation of the relevance of the dissertation work;
  • abstract within the specialty;
  • a list of scientific papers signed by the supervisor;

Postgraduate entrance exams

After receiving the documents, the applicant must pass three exams: in the specialty, philosophy and a foreign language. Good ownership English language will help the future graduate student to independently compile annotations to his scientific publications, will allow him to read new literature in the original language.

Questions for exams should be taken care of in advance in order to have enough time for quality preparation.

The examination program can be personally taken from the methodologist of the postgraduate department or downloaded from the website of the university where you are applying. The examination committee usually consists of three teachers and a secretary, two questions are asked on the ticket. After passing the entrance exams, you will have to patiently wait for the results. Enrollment is carried out on the condition that the applicant has completed everything that is necessary for admission to graduate school. Do not be upset if the competition is not passed: you can try again in a year or draw up a contract. Use all possibilities.

How to get into graduate school on a budget

Admission to the budgetary form of education is carried out on a competitive basis, according to the submitted documents and the rating of points scored in the entrance exams. The higher the rating, the more chances to pass on the budget.

Masters who have just graduated from a university and teachers with at least two to three years of experience in their specialty can apply for a budget form of education.

This is a full-time study with a separation from the place of work. Correspondence education most often involves a contract form of education without leaving the duty station.

Is it possible to apply for graduate school after a bachelor's degree?

You should not ask yourself how to enter a graduate school after a bachelor's degree and join the ranks of graduate students. According to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", paragraph 4, article 69, a bachelor today does not have such an opportunity.

After a bachelor's degree, you first need to sit down on the university bench again and finish your studies to a master's degree.

Basic skills are acquired in the master's program research work, which in the future will be a good help for writing a Ph.D.

How to get into graduate school without exams

No exams provided for the competition. The application is for three years. For the applicant, work on the dissertation is carried out in the mode of self-education and self-training, with periodic consultations with the supervisor. But at the same time, you will need to attach yourself separately for passing candidate exams as an external student.

Doctorate is one of the steps postgraduate education, which aims to train scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers highest qualification for the degree of Doctor of Science. The task of doctoral studies is to create the conditions necessary for the completion of research, and on their basis, the defense of a doctoral dissertation by the most active scientists, candidates of science, with significant scientific results. Preparation for doctoral studies is carried out on a full-time basis.

Preparation of doctoral students-citizens of the Russian Federation, CIS countries and foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers.

Doctoral studies are created in higher educational institutions and scientific organizations by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with the issuance of an appropriate license.

Persons with a scientific degree of a candidate of sciences or an equivalent degree who have scientific works (articles, monographs, inventions, patents and other materials confirming their contribution to science) are accepted for doctoral studies, which together form the theoretical and experimental basis for a doctoral dissertation with the possibility of completing it within 3 years old.

Preparation of doctoral students is carried out on a full-time basis. The term of preparation of doctoral students should not exceed 3 years.

Before entering doctoral studies, the applicant practices a presentation with a scientific report at a meeting of the Problematic Scientific and Methodological Seminar, presentation of a training plan and justification of the deadlines for completing a doctoral dissertation. The problematic scientific and methodological seminar analyzes the relevance scientific topics, its inclusion in approved scientific plans, compliance with the most important fundamental or applied scientific areas, logistical and financial support for the dissertation research, as well as other conditions necessary for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation on time. Based on the conclusion of the Problematic Scientific and Methodological Seminar, a decision is made on admission to doctoral studies and the topic and individual plan for preparing the thesis are approved. Enrollment in doctoral studies is formalized by order of the rector.

An application for admission to doctoral studies is submitted to the rector of a higher educational institution / director of a scientific organization with the following documents attached:

Copies of higher education diploma vocational education and an annex to it (for persons who have received education abroad, including citizens of the CIS countries - copies of the relevant diploma, copies of the certificate of equivalence of this diploma);

Copies of the diploma of awarding the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences (for persons who have received education abroad - copies of the diploma of awarding a scientific degree equivalent to the degree of Candidate of Sciences;

Questionnaires and autobiographies;

Extracts from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of a higher educational institution, scientific institution (for citizens of the Russian Federation);

Medical certificate for newly arriving foreign citizens (with the results of basic tests, including an HIV certificate);

A detailed plan for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation;

. characteristics-recommendations from the place of work;

Photos 3x4 in the amount of 3 pieces;

Copies of the work book (for citizens of the Russian Federation);

Copies of national passport.

A passport, a diploma (for persons who have received education abroad - a diploma and a certificate of its equivalence), a diploma of conferring the academic degree of a candidate of sciences and a work book (for citizens of the Russian Federation) shall be presented personally by an applicant for doctoral studies.

The Academic Council of an educational institution, scientific organization considers the documents of an applicant for doctoral studies and, based on the conclusion of the relevant department (department, laboratory), makes a decision on admission to doctoral studies with the approval of the plan and topic of the dissertation. Enrollment in doctoral studies is made by order of the rector/director. Citizens of the Russian Federation enrolled in doctoral studies are dismissed from their positions in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, and the scholarship is paid to them from the day of enrollment, but not earlier than the day of dismissal from their previous job.

The term of preparation in doctoral studies is included in the experience of scientific, pedagogical and scientific work.

During the preparation period, the doctoral student must complete an individual plan (dissertation preparation plan) and submit the completed dissertation to the department to obtain an appropriate conclusion.

To provide scientific and methodological assistance to doctoral students in conducting dissertation research, by order of the rector, one scientific consultant may be appointed from among highly qualified scientific and pedagogical or scientific personnel, doctors of sciences, professors. By decision of the Council of a higher educational institution or scientific organization, a doctor of science, a professor from another organization may be involved as a scientific consultant on a doctoral dissertation with his consent. The appointment of a second scientific adviser for a doctoral dissertation is not allowed.

Doctoral students use laboratories, classrooms, scientific libraries, experimental installations, as well as services of educational, scientific, medical, sports and other departments of an educational institution, scientific institution in accordance with the rules established in them. For the acquisition of scientific literature, each doctoral student studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is given an annual allowance in the amount of two monthly scholarships (subject to the availability of budget funding).

During the doctoral studies, a doctoral student is obliged to:

Fully implement an individual work plan;

Complete work on the thesis and submit it for preliminary examination in the organization at the place of execution.

The doctoral student is obliged to attend scientific seminars of the department where the work is being done.

The doctoral student annually submits a report on the implementation of an individual work plan for a doctoral dissertation, based on the results of which the Council of the organization conducts its certification. The results of attestation are approved by the rector, and a decision is made on his further stay in doctoral studies. A doctoral student who does not fulfill an individual plan is expelled from doctoral studies by order of the rector/director.

Doctoral students undergoing doctoral training in the direction of organizations, as well as foreign states, are obliged to fulfill additional requirements, if such are stipulated by international treaties or agreements with the organizations that sent them.

Doctoral students have the right to perform paid work, subject to the completion of their individual training plan.

Doctoral students from other cities can, if necessary, be provided with a hostel with payment for accommodation.

A doctoral student expelled from doctoral studies before the end of the term can be reinstated for the remaining term by order of the rector/director if there are vacancies.

Employment of graduates of doctoral studies is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor.

Persons who have completed a full doctoral training course and who have not submitted a doctoral dissertation on time for defense cannot be transferred to the positions of researchers to complete work on a doctoral dissertation.

Doctoral students studying at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation are paid a scholarship in accordance with the current legislation. The Rector/Director may establish, at the expense of budgetary and non-budgetary funds, an allowance for doctoral scholarships without limiting its maximum size.

The remuneration of scientific consultants for doctoral students is made at the rate of 50 hours per year per doctoral student. The rector/director has the right to establish payment for scientific advisers of doctoral students at the expense of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds without limiting its maximum size.

Expenses for sending doctoral students who are trained at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation to leading domestic and foreign educational institutions and scientific centers are made by the Federal Agency for Education or the administration/director, while the source of funds for a business trip is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Doctoral students are provided with an annual vacation of two months. Social guarantees and benefits for persons entering and undergoing training in doctoral studies are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Doctoral students retain all the rights at the place of work that they had before entering doctoral studies, as well as the right to return to their previous place of work.

The preparation of doctoral students at the expense of the federal budget of the Russian Federation is carried out within the control figures for admission to doctoral studies established by the Federal Agency for Education. The training of doctoral students in excess of the admission thresholds can be carried out under contracts with the payment of tuition fees by individuals or legal entities.

Postgraduate students, doctoral students and applicants who have received the conclusion of the department and the Problematic Scientific and Methodological Seminar on the recommendation of the thesis for defense, are expelled with the wording "in connection with the submission of the thesis for defense."

Postgraduate students, doctoral students and applicants who have not received the conclusion of the department and the Problematic Scientific and Methodological Seminar on recommending a thesis for defense are expelled with the wording "due to the end of the term of study."

So, before answering the question of how to enter graduate school, let's first think about why to do this. After all, not all postgraduate students defend diplomas after training. Moreover, the statistician cites inexorable facts: only one out of six graduate students defends their dissertation right away. Many complete their PhD within the next three to five years. But there are those who graduated from graduate school, but never acquired a degree.

For some, to be honest, an extra three years of study is an opportunity not to go to serve in the army or to delay time in order to decide on a future job. Someone is just used to learning and wants to get even more knowledge. Someone needs to save a place in the capital's hostel.

But if you really dream of a scientific career, you are attracted by research and writing scientific articles, then you should seriously think about where to go to graduate school so that training brings maximum benefit and pleasure.

Requirements have become tougher

To date, the form of education in graduate school has changed in better side. For better training, some toughening methods have been undertaken. For example, high school is gradually abolishing the application process. Representatives high school believe that this type of education does not quite meet the modern requirements of science. Also, the correspondence form of postgraduate education is being gradually eliminated as it is not effective enough.

Who can become a graduate student?

How to get into graduate school? To begin with, you must have a completed higher education. Young people up to 35 years old are admitted to graduate school. At the same time, you can apply immediately after graduation, or after working at an enterprise or institution for at least two years in the specialty you have received.

If you enter immediately after the university, then attach to your application an extract from the protocol of the Academic Council of the university where you defended your diploma. If there is no such extract, you can limit yourself to the recommendations of your department.

Graduates of foreign universities can also apply for postgraduate studies. To do this, they only need to provide a notarized certificate that the education received meets the requirements of the selection committee.

Required documents

Is it difficult to get into graduate school? If you have solid knowledge and strong self-confidence, then this is a fairly easy process. The main thing at the same time is to collect the package of documents necessary for admission.

In addition to the recommendation or extract from the Academic Council, you will also have to provide an abstract on the chosen specialty, which should contain a review of the supervisor. Instead of this abstract, you can provide your scientific papers, if they are available and have been published.

You will also be required to:

  • A copy of your higher education diploma.
  • A copy of the diploma insert.
  • If you do not act immediately, but after working at the enterprise, you must prepare a personal sheet from the personnel department.
  • For workers, a characteristic from the place of work will be required.
  • Three 3 x 4 photos and one 4 x 5 photo.
  • Topic and substantiation of the dissertation.

In addition, you must submit an autobiography and a medical certificate of the established form.

After checking all the documents, if there are no questions, you will be admitted to the exams.

Simplified Requirements

Is it possible to enter graduate school without exams? Yes, this opportunity is provided to some candidates and this form is called a job seeker. You must be affiliated with a specific scientific institution or organization. In this case, you can prepare your dissertation without postgraduate study.

Know a foreign language and be a philosopher

When applying to graduate school, you will need to pass exams in some subjects. It's history, philosophy, foreign language and profile subject in specialization. It should be noted that the philosophy for applicants to graduate school is quite voluminous and complex, so look in advance on the website of the university of your choice, what questions you can expect. It happens that the list of topics in this subject is much wider than you studied it at your university.

The same applies to other disciplines.

Issue price

And one more question is of great interest to future graduate students - money. Will I need to pay for my education?

Here, much depends on the number of vacancies in a particular university. For example, it is rather problematic to enter a postgraduate course in Moscow free of charge, because Moscow universities have a high rating, and there are much more people who want to defend themselves in the capital of Russia than in the provinces.

Pay attention to this fact and calculate your material possibilities. On average, the cost of postgraduate education in Moscow today fluctuates between 70,000 and 80,000 rubles a year. The amount is considerable.

Given the fact that many universities today refuse to absentee form education, in which it was possible to earn extra money, think about it, will you pull three years of study? Are there enough resources? It would be a shame to interrupt training in the middle or at the very end of the process just because the money ran out.

Huge pressure

Do not think that a graduate student is a person who is all about science, and his only goal is to defend a dissertation. Any graduate student, especially if he is a full-time student, has a lot of obligations. This includes attending classes, participating in scientific conferences and colloquia, and teaching workload: you may be required to conduct seminars for students.

In addition, during the training, each graduate student must prepare and publish a certain number of scientific papers.

And also periodically submit reports to your teacher on the work done. And at the same time, do not forget about the most important thing - to gradually prepare your main essay: a dissertation!

Why study for three more years?

Of course, any person who builds his future with a perspective, before answering the question of how to enter graduate school, must understand that new knowledge and a degree will make his career more interesting.

If you have the skills to teaching activities, then, of course, you need to defend your degree and go further in order to know much more than your students.

For many professionals, especially technical professionals, having a degree is very important for career advancement. In some large companies, especially those associated with science, technology, production, it is difficult to take a high leadership position without a defended dissertation.

It is these moments that are the main motive for those entering graduate school.

But do not forget also that every science must have practical use in our life. So try to make the topic of your future dissertation not only interesting, but also beneficial to ordinary consumers. How to get into graduate school? Easier than simple, if there is a goal and a great desire!

A doctoral dissertation is a research work on global issues modern science. Accordingly, doctoral studies are nothing but a form of preparation of candidates for a doctoral degree. Prior to admission, a PhD degree is required.

Obtaining a doctoral degree involves defending a dissertation - scientific work in a particular specialty at an educational institution in Moscow. The desire of the applicant to enroll in doctoral studies must be accompanied by the issuance of a direction of scientific or pedagogical organization dissertation student to a host organization in Moscow with a monthly stipend.

In economics, you can study at the Moscow state university(MGU). After graduate school at the Russian School of Economics, you can apply for study abroad.

Admission to doctoral studies in the Russian Federation

To apply, in addition to the certified application, the following are required: documentation:

1. an application addressed to the head of the organization about the desire to enter;

2. a copy of the diploma of education with all inserts;

3. diploma confirming the candidate's degree;

4. a list of scientific publications or an abstract speech on the proposed doctoral topic;

5. self-filled questionnaire, a copy of the passport and work book, which should reflect the length of service in the desired specialty, photo.

Education takes place after graduate school, at the prescribed time in full-time. PhD student with academic council develops an individual plan of work on the dissertation. IN individual plan the entire three-year period of study in doctoral studies should be reflected. The plan itself is developed every year.

All activities of the doctoral applicant must comply with the approved plan. The annual report must be carried out by the doctoral student at a meeting of the council. If the results of the dissertation preparation for the year are considered positive by the council, then the applicant is assessed with the subsequent right to further education after graduate school.

In accordance with the law, for the entire period of study, the applicant may be provided with paid up to six months. His workplace the entire set time is saved. Doctoral students in Russia are paid a scholarship and are given the right to use library, electronic and other information resources host organization. To protect Scientific research for a doctoral degree, it is best to work as a teacher, including at Moscow State University.

The result of a successful defense of a doctoral dissertation is the award of the degree of “Doctor of Science” in a specific scientific field. First of all, the acquisition of such a status in Russia is necessary for scientists who plan to continue their careers in education or science.

Doctorate without PhD

It is theoretically possible to write a doctoral dissertation without studying at a doctoral program in Moscow and defend it, but in practice it is very difficult. Indeed, in order to submit a doctoral work for defense, a positive conclusion of the organization in which the doctoral research was conducted is necessary. Such a conclusion must be signed by the head of the organization or his deputy. And in order to get to the defense of work, you must also pass a competitive selection. Go to study to write a doctoral dissertation, in accordance with the regulations, you need to go to those city educational organizations where there are doctoral councils.

Doctorate abroad

Many are interested in the issue of economic protection abroad. In Germany, doctoral studies are usually considered as the first stage of the scientific activity of a postgraduate student. A doctoral degree in Germany is extremely prestigious among the people from a social and professional point of view. Fundamental requirements for doctoral programs: the program must be clearly structured, have transparent provisions and a reasonable duration. It is assumed that structured programs at the intersection of interdisciplinary research will increase the prestige of studying in Germany.

Upon completion of doctoral studies, a scientist can go into science, apply for grants, or choose a different career path. Applicants must prove their scientific abilities (Habilitation). Most young scientists who decide to pursue a scientific career have the following professional prospects:

1) appointed professors (the relevant ministry must issue an appointment order);

2) a permanent non-professional position (professional and social guarantees);

3) without any further scientific prospects - predetermines the transition to the next professional phase.

In the Kazakh education system, doctoral studies are a professional educational curriculum of postgraduate education aimed at training scientific and pedagogical personnel with the award of the academic degree "Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)", a doctor in profile. Educational program the third cycle (PhD) was introduced in 2005, and Kazakhstan switched to a three-cycle higher education for the introduction of ECTS and mutual recognition degrees. Republic sets reform priorities curriculum third cycle in:

    engineering science;

    science and technology;

    social sciences and business;

    health care and social protection.

As you can see, there is no economic direction. The share of the new generation of doctoral students (PhD) is only 2% of the total state order. The term of study in doctoral studies is at least 3 years in accordance with the Law “On Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Doctoral Studies. Basic Provisions". There is no mention of doctoral scholarships here.

Thus, in order to defend doctoral research, it is best to study in a doctoral program of an educational or scientific organization. There are enough doctoral studies in Russia in educational organizations to go to study (Moscow State University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, etc.). Their doors are always open.