Choosing a college: an inside view. How to Survive Your First Year of College Is It Difficult to Get into College?

You can get a second education for various reasons. Someone wants to improve their skills and is engaged in the study of areas adjacent to their specialty. Someone is chasing prestige and a beautiful resume. And someone understands that they made a mistake in choosing after school, and decides to turn in a completely different direction.

In any case, before you run to the admissions office, look at another level. There are 3,500 secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia, the vast majority of which are state-owned. There are approximately the same number of colleges and technical schools among them.

Many, like universities and academies, give a chance to get an education remotely. Almost every college or technical school has an evening department.

Why can secondary specialized education be better than higher education?


The time for which you will receive a specialty in college is 3-4 years. In college - 2-3 years. At the university - 4–6 years. When you are no longer 16, spending another couple of years studying subjects that will not be useful is pointless.

Specific specialty

If you decide to change your profession, secondary specialized education gives you more chances to get ready-made professional skills. The university gives more general knowledge, college and technical school are specific.


If you went to university after high school, you can go to college for free.

IN Russian Federation guaranteed to be generally available and free of charge in accordance with federal government educational standards preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis higher education if the citizen receives education of this level for the first time.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Even if the budget options do not suit you (for example, there are very few evening and correspondence free departments), the cost of education will be lower than at a university.

Universities will cost 40-300 thousand rubles a year. Colleges - at 30-150. The specific price depends on the region, and on the specialty, and on the rating of the educational institution. But the price tag of the best college is about the level of an average university. But the choice of colleges that are ready to train you for 30-50 thousand is many times more.


The conditions for enrolling for a second education differ for each university and college. But entrance examinations in many colleges, especially for evening classes, are effortless. Even the number of exams is less than in the university.

According to statistics, last year, out of ten applicants to universities, one entrant entered. In colleges, the ratio is five to one.


After work, you pick up the child from kindergarten, stand in traffic, go to the store, run to the gym or to a second job. But now you are learning! We need to cancel everything and hurry to the lecture. In history, if you study in the specialty "banking". Or physical education (and this subject is available in almost all federal programs education). It's not even funny.

So, in the college the program general subjects much easier. For the most part, you don't even have to attend, just bring your first diploma and write the appropriate application. At the same time, special subjects are taught at a high level.

Accelerated Learning

After college, you have a new profession on your hands. And the opportunity to grow in it, to get at least a third, at least a fourth degree, mastering accelerated university programs (undergraduate studies) in parallel with a new job.


Colleges train students for jobs. The number of practical classes will go off scale, after graduation you will come to workplace and calmly start working.

Of course, we are talking about a good college. But you won't go to the bad one, will you?


I already foresee a wave of comments: “All employers require higher education!”. In fact, an employer is more likely to hire a person with work experience, albeit in a different field, and a college diploma, than a graduate of an eminent university who has seen work only in rare practices. And well-known colleges are quoted no worse than many universities.

And now, for objectivity, let's talk about the cons.


Decide what you are looking for. If you want to scientific work and in-depth study of a particular area, go to university. If you want a certificate, go to the courses. If you need management skills, read books. From the college and technical school you need to expect very specific results, and not the ability to do everything at once. Secondary specialized education is still narrowly focused.


It's not about qualifications, experienced and knowledgeable people. But they are accustomed to dealing with children who often come after the ninth grade. It is more difficult for them to switch to adults, and this often leads to distortions. Evening students are either expected to have 200% attendance, or they are forced to draw posters and wall newspapers, or they threaten to give a lower score, not realizing that no one will scold you at home for a three or four. Sometimes it is annoying, but it helps to remember childhood.

Is secondary vocational education suitable for you as a second?

How excellent grades in school report cards and student records warm the soul. No matter what skeptics and experienced people say, there is a triple benefit from studying perfectly. This is for you and the prospects (yes, we believe that the redness of diplomas and certificates can open the door to a brighter future), and pride in yourself and tears of joy for your parents, and most importantly - this is solid knowledge, which, as they say, you can’t drink away. But being an excellent student in all areas is very difficult. But we know how to study perfectly and will gladly share non-standard secrets with you.

Base for those who want to study everywhere perfectly

It doesn't matter where exactly you study: at school, college, university. The principle of learning is the same everywhere: it is necessary to fully assimilate the material, to understand not only extracts from the theory, but also to be able to apply the acquired knowledge. This is the peak that you have to climb, as soon as you make a decision for yourself to study perfectly.

We will not give too obvious advice, convincing you of the need to organize your workplace, not to sleep in class, not to play truant - this is all understandable. We will show you how to start studying perfectly so that you really assimilate, and not just cramming the material you have covered, and so that the main aspects will forever settle in your memory.

How to study perfectly: rules and secrets

Let's find out how to make it so that you study perfectly everywhere and always:

  • work with the new material correctly. Do not rush to start a linear reading new chapter, so it will turn out perfectly just to memorize. You first need to understand where it all begins, how it ends, and what is most important. Therefore, first scroll through all the subsections, read the conclusion, review the list of questions, and then begin to thoughtfully read the entire text. Useful ways to work with new material and memorization, see the YouTube video below:

  • write down the accents on the cards. Do you want to know how to study perfectly? Write down the main terms and their definitions on separate cards. On the one hand, the term to remember should be located, on the other - its meaning. All these cards are best divided into several blocks. You will have to repeat new information every day, gradually increasing the interval, bringing it up to 1 time per month. Constantly shuffle the cards, you can not repeat the material in the same sequence, in relation to a specific subject. But remember, if you want to study perfectly, then write everything by hand. This is how we remember better;
  • visualize any information. It is necessary to imagine not only historical studies, but also laws from the exact sciences. Can't remember Archimedes' principle? Imagine yourself slowly immersing yourself in a warm bath, feel your body becoming lighter and the water level rising. This The best way how to teach a child to understand the essence of physical phenomena;
  • tie particularly difficult material to specific locations go deep into it. It also happens that the material seems daunting to us and it becomes unclear how to study perfectly with such a mess in our heads. This is where associations come to the rescue. Go study this material in your favorite park, a quiet cafe. Now, remembering this place, you will also remember what you studied there. Take books that allow you to delve into a particularly difficult topic. The deeper you move, the more elementary the base will seem to you, which is perfectly enough to study perfectly;
  • test yourself. In order to study perfectly at the university, school, it is necessary to consolidate each topic covered by self-examination. A topic is considered to be qualitatively mastered only if you can reproduce its main provisions, terms a month after the end of its study. Questions for control, special test tasks help you.

And also watch tips and life hacks on how to study perfectly at school or college on the video from YouTube:

Now you know how to study perfectly for a person of any age without being tied to a specific educational institution. With their help, you will become that rare example of an excellent student who really deserves such a high award!

Who would have thought! In Russia, there is one person with a secondary technical education for every six university graduates. Which one do you think is easier to get a job? If idleness is not the goal of your life, then most likely you will definitely not be left without work. This and 10 more benefits of going to college are in the "Answers" section.

Is it true that college is easier to get into than college?
- In most cases, yes. Typically, a college applicant must present a certificate of incomplete or complete secondary education upon admission. The number of USE points, as a rule, does not matter - only the presence of a certificate of passing is important. Only a few colleges seriously consider the results of the state exam in Russian language and mathematics, which must be passed after the end of the 11th grade. So, you don’t have to worry too much about the exam - it’s enough to score a minimum of points in each subject. If you studied well at school, it will be a plus for admission - selection committee college (unlike the university!) pays attention to certificates without triples.

- Do I need to prepare for admission?
- For culinary and industrial colleges who do not cooperate with universities or are under the auspices of institutions with a low rating, additional preparation for admission is not required. It is enough to know Russian, mathematics and - sometimes - an additional core subject at the level of an average student. You should not be afraid of such exams - for admission to budget place it is enough to score 35–50 points out of 100 for each. The competition "on the budget" ranges from 0.3 to 2 people per place.
But if you are going to go to college at popular universities such as the Russian State Humanitarian University, Moscow State Law Academy or MIET, keep in mind that the competition for a budget place will reach 3-5 or more people, and in many colleges there will be no free places at all. It is not so easy to enter such educational institutions: internal entrance examinations are “sharpened” purposefully for a university and 90% require additional training. Finding a tutor to pass such a narrowly focused exam is quite difficult. Therefore, colleges did not miss the opportunity to earn extra money and almost every time educational institution created paid courses. Such courses are the best option, they practically guarantee receipt.

- How much does college education cost at the contract department?
- In the most unfavorable scenario, the price of tuition in colleges, as a rule, is much more democratic than in universities. It ranges from 12 to 60 thousand rubles per year of study. If the college exists well-known university, prices can reach and university. For example, in one semester College of Humanities at the Russian State Technical University, you will have to pay 53 thousand rubles.

- How many years have you been in college? How is college education different from university education?
- After the ninth grade, college education will be three or four years, after the eleventh - two or three years. Some colleges can be entered after the seventh or eighth grade. In a good way, the motto of a college student is the phrase: "Practice, practice and more practice." There is much less theory in the curriculum of colleges than in the programs of universities, and much more practical training and work practice in the profession. Syllabus College is highly specialized and short, it does not have fundamental theoretical subjects and knowledge to enrich horizons. IN economic colleges students do not study the history of Keynes's theory and the course of Roosevelt, but the rules for compiling business plans and reports. Future accountants are taught from the very beginning how to make income statements and balance debits with credits more easily; culinary students practice every week in restaurants. Unlike university students, who only face work internships in their senior years, college students already know what awaits them - after all, they have more than one month of work behind them. In this regard, studying in colleges is more focused not on obtaining a diploma, but on the further application of knowledge in work.

- Is it true that after college you can enter the university immediately for the third year without passing the exam?
- Not certainly in that way. According to the new rules adopted by Rosobrnadzor in 2010, after college, a student has the right to apply for a state-funded place in the first year (!) of a specialized institute with a reduced form of study of 3–3.5 years. In this case, one can only rely on part-time form learning. If an applicant wants to study at day department, then the training time will be standard 5 years for a specialist and 4 years for a bachelor.

- If I have a low USE score, can I enter a university through a college directly?
- Yes, but only on the specialty received in college. USE results for admission under the scheme "college - university" are not needed. To become a university student, an applicant passes three exams, which are approved by the university every year. Passing these exams after several years of specialized training is much easier than for a graduate high school worthy of passing the exam. Due to the acquired knowledge base, college graduates enter universities without additional training. Another condition: you can enter only those universities with which the college cooperates.

Is it possible to get a bachelor's degree while studying in college?
- It is possible, but the degree will be called a little differently - applied bachelor's degree. This change came into effect on September 1, 2011.

What else can you learn in college?
- In decent places, a college student is eligible for preferential additional study foreign languages that are taught in his educational institution, courses on creative development and sports sections.

- What is the difference between the initial professional education from the average professional?
- NGOs involves obtaining a profession before graduating from high school (after the ninth grade). Already at the age of eighteen, you can get a specialty and start working. It's easy to get in - just pass the interview. The study of general subjects is reduced to a minimum. The maximum time is taken by practical training in professional disciplines. Educational institutions produce qualified workers and employees within the framework of the NGO program.
SPO is aimed at training practitioners and makes it possible to obtain a sought-after specialty in 2–4 years. You can enter either after the 9th grade (then education will last 4 years) or after the 11th grade (and get an SPO in 2-3 years). For admission, a GIA or Unified State Examination certificate and passing additional exam college. Graduates of such educational institutions have the opportunity to enter a university in their specialty immediately for the 2nd or 3rd year.

- Will a college graduate be unemployed? Is there employment after college?
- Hardly. If idleness is not the goal of your life, then most likely you will definitely not be left without work. From the first year of college, a student practices in his profession. This suggests that by the time he releases, he will already have experience behind him. In addition, in the employment center (it exists at every self-respecting college), about a dozen vacancies for students are always open. The statistics speak for themselves: according to the Ministry of Education, college students in 87% of cases find a job in the first half of the year after receiving the secondary special education, and 70% of those who combined work and internships do not change jobs after college.

- Are college students granted a deferment from the army and a scholarship?
- In state-accredited colleges, deferment from the army is granted for the entire duration of training. Scholarships are paid to state students. True, it is half as much as the university one - about 400-500 rubles.

Many teenagers and their parents on the threshold of the ninth grade think about the further trajectory of education: stay in the 10-11th grade at their school, move to another, or go to college? Many people choose college. But in order to make a responsible decision, you need to understand the benefits and risks of such a step. Maria Dzhanovna Koreshkova, a teacher at the Moscow College of Automobile Transport (GBPOU CAT No. 9), a teacher with 18 years of experience, tells.

We ask ourselves a question

We must honestly answer, first of all to ourselves: we want to go to college FROM what and FOR what. This largely affects the choice and determines the risks. Rational “to get” a specialty” is not always the main thing. Both those children who cannot study in the 10th and 11th grades, and those who can, but do not want to, leave the school. Teenagers often lose their motivation to study by the time they are in high school. Boys, especially "techies from God" with the school may "not coincide." For many, especially in the regions, college in big city- a way to generally get a decent budget education; for many, even in the capitals, it is a stepping stone to higher education without the exam. They also leave a weak school for a strong college. Therefore, competitions for colleges are growing, with passing scores for popular specialties reaching 4.5 and higher.

Graduates of the 11th grade also enter colleges, especially since everyone now receives a deferment from military service, without age restrictions.

The most responsible decision is the choice future profession ninth grader. At the age of 15, the outlook of a teenager is small, the idea of ​​​​different professions is often superficial. The help of parents is necessary, but making a decision for him is fraught. If a student changes his mind even on the eve of graduation, he will only be left with a certificate for 9 classes. If you decide to change your specialty SPO * (SPO - secondary vocational education. - Note. ed.) - then you can transfer to another college for the 2nd year (for SPO, the 1st year is a high school program). If the profession is an NGO (NGO - primary vocational education. - Note. ed.)- then just do it again, because there professional and general education disciplines begin immediately from the 1st course.

Choose the level of study

Now all graduates receive diplomas, which indicate that they have a secondary vocational education in a particular specialty or profession.

The vocational school, as an educational institution that discredited its name, was closed. But different levels of education remained: NGOs and SPO. Such a system of vocational education is formed by the real requirements for the qualifications and capabilities of trainees, and has been worked out for decades. As a rule, several old vocational schools different levels administratively merged into one educational institution"College", or in one educational institution, there are groups of NGOs and SPO, ordinary and advanced training.

Both levels can train workers of the same profile. How are they different?

The NGO is designed to give a person a working profession - once, and to socialize, to become a "social lift" for teenagers with problems - two. Therefore, the teaching methodology is designed for adolescents who are weaker in terms of general education and less motivated to study. It is optimal for children who want to get a profession and work, but they are tired of school, to put it mildly. Accordingly, based on the level of the bulk, achievable requirements and training methods are selected.

Consequently, there is theoretical training in the specialty, but the emphasis is primarily on practical training, and there is a lot of it: practice alternates with lessons from the first year. For children with weak learning skills and experience of school failures, this technique is optimal. Since professions are taught from the very beginning, learning general education disciplines stretches for two years, in parallel with general professional and special. And the attitude to school subjects is not a priority.

Important! After graduating and passing state exams and (or) defending a diploma, the graduate receives a diploma of secondary vocational education, which indicates that he has learned a "profession" such and such.

SVE (secondary vocational education) should theoretically train mid-level specialists or workers with a high level of basic knowledge. Therefore, the proportion of theoretical training is not an example more and its level is higher. A graduate of secondary vocational education acquires a "specialty". Accordingly, the level of students should be different. More and training time: for example, if you need to spend 2 years and 10 months to master the profession "23.01.03 Automechanic", then to get the specialty "23.02.03 (190631) "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" - 3 years and 10 months . And for an in-depth level of training - another year.

Accordingly, the system is in many respects similar to the university one, and the style of teaching occupies an intermediate position between school and university. It even shows the language. Not lessons, but couples, not students, but students (although in the documents of the Federal State Educational Standard, everyone is called “students”), not teachers, but teachers. Tests and exams every semester, laboratory and practical work, course projects. But there are no student freemen! If in the NPO there are “masters”, then in the SPO the class teacher can be called a “curator” in a student way.

Students of secondary vocational education study the program of 10th and 11th grades in their first year. Of course, it is unrealistic to do this in full in a year. Some of the subjects have been reduced, moreover, time is not wasted on targeted preparation for the exam. The disciplines that are the most essential for a future specialist are studied more seriously (in our country, for example, these are physics and mathematics), the rest are a little more relaxed. Level of study? According to the confessions of the children and their parents, it is, of course, significantly lower than in a good specialized school (comparable with the physics and mathematics), but it is noticeably higher than in the “middle and below average” school.

Starting from the second year, those who entered after the ninth and those who came after the eleventh grade study in the same way: general professional and special disciplines, occasional practice, sessions ... and so on until the diploma.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which form of education is better and which is worse. If possible, it should be chosen based on the characteristics of a particular child, his ability to learn and motivation. It is clearly not worth it to study under SPO programs for a teenager who had no prospects of finishing grades 10-11 normally.

A high-quality specialist of a good college at the level of secondary vocational education in terms of theoretical and scientific knowledge lags significantly behind a bachelor's graduate with a similar specialty, but often surpasses him in terms of professional knowledge and practical skills. True, the quality of education and the level of requirements in different colleges are very different, as well as the level of knowledge of different graduates.

How to choose a college

There is explicit information, it is easy to find it on the Internet: address, professions, terms of study. And there is an implicit one: the actual level, the accepted style of communication. Take your son or daughter for a Day open doors, ask questions. Keep in mind that one college may include several buildings with completely different traditions: in one part of the classes are taught by teachers from a specialized university, in another everything is completely different.

Invite your child to spend some time among the students. Parents themselves, without a child, should go to the chosen college, look at the guys, stand and listen to conversations in the smoking room. Is it easy or hard to learn? Why are teachers scolded and praised for?

Peculiarities of studying in college (SVE)

Yesterday's schoolchildren enthusiastically start their studies from scratch. What are they facing?

  1. Road. Often - an hour and a half one way. Four couples plus the road is actually a full time job, and you also have to do your homework. Parents cannot always control, respectively, there is a problem with being late and being tempted to skip. Freshmen have a deceptive sense of rapid maturation.
  2. For non-residents - a hostel. This is a separate issue.
  3. More "adult" attitude. If at school my mother every time found out what was given for homework and helped to do the project, this is ridiculous here. In senior years, students are sometimes referred to as "you." It's hard for infantile kids in college.
  4. Most importantly: the system of requirements. The final score is not an average of the current ones. All laboratory tests must be completed and defended, assignments completed, control written, and regardless of whether the student was at that lesson or not! The debts are piling up, but they don't give triples to everyone who has grades (unlike how it most often happens at school). First, the guys try, then they relax, by the end of the semester they get scared. On the other hand, in case of problems in the college, they take care and control the student, according to my feelings and the feedback of the parents, even more than at school.
  1. Control. Attendance is usually monitored daily. The class teacher (curator) calls up the parents and finds out what happened to the child and why he is absent. Important! If they don't call you, it's not a fact that everything is in order. What if the curator's phone is on the "black list" of your phone? Perhaps you think that your son went to school after an illness, and the curator believes that he is still on sick leave? Of course, you trust your child. But such "crises of permissiveness" are common, and in the first year - most often. Just keep in touch with the curator and inform him as needed. The curator notifies parents of other problems.

Students do not have diaries. But parents are periodically informed about the current performance during the semester. Parents of first-year students - often, in senior years - less often.

are regularly parent meetings where you can chat with all the teachers. And, of course, twice a year - session, tests and exams.

Apart from class teacher or the curator of the group is the head of the department (or the curator of the course). This is the most main man who knows all his students and teachers well, is aware of all problems and solves administrative and educational tasks. For any questions, conflicts, misunderstandings, we turn to him.

Is it hard to go to college?

Basically, not too much. But, unlike the school, there is no strict correspondence between the “program and the textbook”. As a rule, all new material The teacher explains and dictates the summary. Even if there is a good textbook, and there are such, especially in special disciplines, it will not always replace a teacher. Without a summary, studying everything on your own, using a textbook or using the Internet, is an unrealistic task for most students.

Assignments and even course projects are given in such a way that most of them are done in the classroom, with the help of a teacher. There are regular consultations, additional classes. But ... from session to session, students live happily. A week before the session, not a single teacher will be able to explain to everyone the missed material of the entire semester and help everyone complete his individual task.

Is it possible to earn extra money without compromising studies? Usually this is obtained by capable, mature enough and responsible guys. And sometimes there are time pressures. The majority, having taken up work and received the first money, start their studies.

Can they deduct?

Yes of course. For debts not liquidated on time, for absenteeism.

But before this happens, they will give a hundred and one opportunities to work out and correct, they will help, they will repeatedly turn to their parents. Even in the case of adults, married and married "children".


Employment opportunities are very dependent on the graduate, profession, and the situation on the labor market.

The college necessarily arranges for internships at enterprises. If a student can find a job on his own - please, but he will be controlled anyway. Colleges often enter into contracts with employers who take students to practice, and those who have proven themselves are invited to work.

But with a student who does not want to work in practice, the workers will not bother - as long as he does not interfere. As a result, those who, during their studies, worked in their specialty and, in addition to curriculum have learned a lot. But a lot of guys choose quick earnings - by courier, seller.

The college invites employers to cooperate, arranges meetings with graduates, informs them about vacancies. But ... There are too many boys with diplomas in our specialty. Even for vacancies sent by the employer to the college, they often take only three years of work experience or with long trial periods without registration and with a symbolic payment.

What else hinders employment? The high salary expectations of young people run into the skeptical attitude of employers. Evening students have to give up a work schedule that does not allow them to attend classes.

After college - to university

Even in secondary vocational education, a student does not receive a certificate similar to a school one at the end of the first year: he can be considered a person with a completed secondary education only after defending his diploma. Passing the exam in a college they may not organize (if there is no appropriate accreditation), but they can organize for those who wish both the delivery and preparation for the exam. But this is usually done in the second year, especially since by that time the guys had already decided on their attitude to the chosen specialty.

If the college has signed an agreement with a certain university that agrees to accept its students for an internal exam, then the guys, as a rule, follow this path: in the last or last two years they take preparatory courses at this university (for a fee). In the courses, they are not only prepared for the exam, but also study what will eliminate the difference in the programs of the college and the first year of this university. And then, after passing the exams, they immediately enter the second, and with some success - the third year. MSTU MADI even creates special groups of graduates of specialized colleges studying under a reduced program.

Graduates of the NGO level usually do not enter the second year (the difference in programs and levels is too big), but they can enter the internal exam or the Unified State Examination in exactly the same way.