Maykop Humanitarian Technical College

Poly technical college is the assignee of Maikopsky agricultural college, founded on July 31, 1925, the Maikop Woodworking College, founded on August 1, 1956, the Maikop Motor Transport College, founded on July 12, 1968, renamed in 1994 into the Polytechnic College of the Moscow State Technical University. Since February 2004, the college has become a structural subdivision of the Maikop State Technological University.

Today, the Polytechnic College is a prestigious, constantly and comprehensively developing educational institution, a recognized leader, a base of excellence, an institution that is in demand by young people who want to get a decent education. Choice future profession and college - a very responsible step, which should be decisive in future fate young man. After all, only high-quality secondary vocational education, a prestigious profession allow you to gain confidence in tomorrow, ensure a successful career, decent salary, high social status, prestige in society.

During the period of study, students will have to comprehend the basics of difficult but interesting specialties, they can do science under the guidance of leading teachers, prove themselves in sports and creativity. The Polytechnic College, having a long history, a solid educational foundation and glorious traditions, is one of the best institutions of the republic, has a long tradition in training personnel for industries Agriculture, economy, construction, road transport and tourism.

The priority areas of work of the Polytechnic College are:

Rapid response to the labor market by opening new professions;

Improving the comprehensive educational and methodological support of the educational process;

Active use of modern information technologies, the development of a complex of additional educational services, the introduction of an effective system of vocational guidance as a condition for creating a modern model of training workers and the formation of applied qualifications in the region;

Maintaining the image of the college as a modern multidisciplinary educational institution;

Improving the work of full-time and correspondence departments, expanding the scope of services provided;

Creating conditions for effective creative self-realization is the development of an educational system that provides positive changes in the student's personality.

The Polytechnic College implements secondary educational programs vocational education- training of mid-level specialists in the following specialties of full-time and part-time forms of education:

08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures;

08.02.09 Installation, adjustment and operation of electrical equipment of industrial and civil buildings;

23.02.01 Organization of transportation and transport management (by type);

23.02.03 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles;

35.02.03 Woodworking technology;

35.02.07 Agricultural mechanization;

36.02.01 Veterinary;

38.02.01 Economics and accounting (by industry);

38.02.02 Insurance business (by industry);

38.02.05 Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods;

40.02.01 Law and organization of social security;

43.02.10 Tourism.

In 2017, the Polytechnic College received a license to implement educational programs from the top 50, the most promising and in-demand specialties of secondary vocational education:

09.02.07 Information systems and programming;

43.02.12 Technology of aesthetic services;

43.02.13 Hairdressing technology;

02/43/15 Cooking and confectionery business.

The college has a system vocational training which involves the development of new additional educational programs and the possibility of choosing your own individual educational path. The college has a Resource Center for Vocational Training, where, along with the main specialty, students receive one of the working professions: Computer operator, Driver of category “B” and “C”, Insurance agent, Electrician for lighting and lighting networks, Food seller, Sanitary veterinary, Dog breeder, Car mechanic, etc.

The material and technical base of the college is represented by two educational buildings, which are equipped with 40 classrooms, 3 computer labs connected to the Internet, laboratories and workshops, a specialized room for the arrangement of cars for driver training. Driving lessons are held on new specially equipped vehicles, the fleet of which is regularly updated. All types of practice students take place at enterprises and organizations of the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory.

The structure of the college consists of two departments (full-time and part-time), there are 7 subject (cycle) commissions that provide organization of methodological support to teachers in teaching and educating students, prompt solution of educational and scientific and methodological issues. A high indicator of the college is a stable, qualified teaching staff, consisting of 70 teachers, of which 65% have the first and highest qualification categories, 5 people - the degree of candidate of science, 8 teachers - the sign " Honorary Worker middle special education". The teaching staff is of a high standard. professional competence. Successfully mastered innovative technologies training aimed at maximizing the disclosure and development of creative and intellectual abilities of students. Serious attention is paid to patriotic education students and the creation of a health-saving educational space. All this ensures a high level of professional training of students. College students annually become government scholarship holders Russian Federation, Republic of Adygea, rector of MSTU.

The Polytechnic College provides students with the opportunity to actively participate in all-Russian, regional and city scientific and practical conferences, forums and competitions of technical creativity of youth. Students of the Polytechnic College are active participants in the international non-profit movement WorldSkills International, whose goal is to increase the prestige of working professions and develop professional education by harmonizing best practices and professional standards around the world through the organization and holding of competitions professional excellence. College students annually become winners and prize-winners of the university and regional championships "Young Professionals (WSR)" in various competencies: "Entrepreneurship", "Tourism", "Restaurant Service", "Car Repair", "Welding", etc. Among students college winners of regional and all-Russian competitions and conferences.

The college has created favorable conditions not only for organizing studies and scientific activity students, but also for leisure activities.

On high level are held different kinds extracurricular activities (musical and literary evenings, creative meetings). work creative teams, studios, hobby groups, sports sections. The festivals “We Are Together”, “New Wave”, “Song in a Soldier's Overcoat”, the holiday “Dedication to Students”, Health Days, etc. have become traditional.

The college has sports and assembly halls, a library. Meals for students and staff are provided in the dining room located on the campus. Nonresident students are provided with a hostel. Taking into account the age category of college students, the crises of adolescence and youth, the socio-psychological service functioning at the Polytechnic College makes it possible to provide psychological support for students who are in difficult life situation, develop and implement preventive programs for the formation healthy lifestyle life of students and teachers of the college.

College graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in programs higher education in Maikop State technological university. During the training, professional trainings are held with students, excursions to enterprises, organizations, institutions, many of which send direct requests to the Polytechnic College to simplify the search for qualified specialists. The educational and laboratory base, strong ties with enterprises provide the college with stable development, and its graduates with guaranteed employment in their specialty and career prospects.

Since 2013, the Polytechnic College of FGBOU VPO "MSTU" has been headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Information Security and Applied Informatics of MSTU, director Khutiz Zaurbech Aslanbievich. Author of more than 40 scientific publications, including 4 monographs. In 2008 - 2009 received a Grant from the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, a Grant under the American SABIT program (SPECIAL AMERICAN BUSINESS INTERNSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM - SPECIAL AMERICAN PROGRAM OF BUSINESS INTERNSHIP IN THE USA, 2008). In 2006-2013. four graduate students under the guidance of Z.A. Khutyza defended dissertations for competition degree candidate of economic sciences.

Honorary titles and awards:

Honorary Diploma of the RA Ministry of Education and Science (2007)

Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2012)

Membership in academies and unions:

Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Work in public service bodies:

Member of the competition commission for the selection of civil servants under the Ministry economic development and trade of the Republic of Armenia.

Deputy Director for academic work- Kuprienko Valentin Mikhailovich.

Honorary worker of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation. For great academic achievement, conscientious work and a significant contribution to the training of specialists was awarded diplomas of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation, diplomas of Moscow State Technical University.

Deputy director for educational work - Kovaleva Galina Nikolaevna.

Honorary worker of secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation. For great success in teaching and educational work, conscientious work and a significant contribution to the training of specialists, she was awarded the Certificates of Honor of the Moscow State Technical University, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea, the Municipal Formation "City of Maykop"

Deputy Director for Organizational and Methodological Work - Stash Svetlana Muharbievna, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Author teaching aids(“Russian language and culture of speech”, “Technologies of cultural and leisure activities”). Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea. For great success in educational and research work, conscientious work, significant contribution to the training of specialists, she was awarded diplomas from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea, Moscow State Technical University.

The college admissions committee invites applicants, schoolchildren and their parents to a dialogue. We will help you make right choice and tell you how to enter the Maikop State Humanitarian and Technical College of the Adyghe State University.

We are ready to answer your questions personally, in absentia by phone or on our website.

What are the deadlines for submitting documents?

Documents will be accepted from June 16 to August 25. By August 1, applicants must submit documents for specialties requiring additional entrance examinations.

Is hostel available for nonresident students?

The hostel is provided to non-resident students full-time education, if there is an appropriate housing stock.

What exams do you need to pass for admission?

Based on the Law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ "On Education" dated December 29, 2012, admission to study in educational programs secondary vocational education is carried out on a public basis, i.e. Without exams. But in case of competition, it is taken into account GPA certificate.

And prepare for the entrance exam for the following specialties: 02/49/01 " Physical Culture» taking an exam in physical education. 20.02.02 "Protection in emergency situations"- exam in physical culture 29.02.01 "Design, modeling and technology of garments" - drawing 54.02.01 "Design" - drawing, painting, composition You can also get acquainted with the programs on our website in the "Applicant" section

What subjects do you study while in college?

On our website in the "Applicant" section you can get acquainted with the Federal state educational standards(FGOS), which list the disciplines and interdisciplinary complexes studied by students.

Is it possible to apply for different specialties at once?

Yes, you can apply for multiple majors.

Is it possible to go to college after 10th grade?

Yes, you can go to college on the basis of a certificate of basic general education (grade 9), for the first year.

What are the college admission requirements for grade 11 students?

When entering on the basis of 11 classes, it is enough to submit documents without providing USE results, because grade point average will be taken into account. Applicants are enrolled in the second course.

If I don’t qualify for a budget-funded place, but I want to study only at Moscow State State University, what other options are there?

The most simple and famous way This is commercial training. In other words, you can apply for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees.

Can you tell me what are the benefits for admission?

Based on the Law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ "On Education" dated December 29, 2012, admission to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out on a public basis, in connection with this, all benefits have been canceled.

Is there a deferment from the army if you are in college?

Students enrolled on the basis of basic general education (on the basis of 9 classes) have a deferment from the army. Question: What is the cost of studying at your college? Answer: Information about the cost of education is placed in the section "Applicant" - "Regulatory documents" - "Cost of education".

Tell me how to get to admission committee college?

The admission committee is located at the address: Maykop, Solnechnaya st., 60. Directions: fixed-route taxis No. 56, 57, 16, 26, trolleybus No. 10, 11 to the Confectionery Factory.

What time is the admissions office open?

The Admission Committee of the Moscow City State University of Civil Engineering FGBOU VPO "ASU" is open from 8-00 to 16-00, without a break, except Saturday and Sunday.

How is the job placement after college?

While studying at the college, students do practical work directly at enterprises or organizations in accordance with their chosen specialty or profession. If a student performs well during the internship period, then, most often, the employer is ready to offer a job after graduation.

What degree will I receive upon graduation?

You will receive a state diploma, because. All secondary vocational education programs have passed state accreditation.

Is it possible to study at the same time in two specialties?

You can get the second specialty by studying full-time in absentia(on a contractual basis). Thus, you get two equivalent diplomas.

Are there any circles, sections in the college?

Extracurricular activities in our college are quite diverse: sports sections, creative circles (vocal studio, De lux fashion theater, KVN, etc.)

I am an active athlete and often travel to competitions and training camps, how can I combine this with my studies?

A sufficient number of athletes study at our college and for them there is an opportunity, in some cases, using distance technologies to master educational programs.

Can I get any additional education in college?

Additional training programs are presented in our educational institution in a wide variety. As a result of studying at these courses, students receive a state-recognised certificate, which will expand their opportunities in professional implementation. A list of courses can be found on our website.



to Maykop State Humanitarian and Technical College

* - it is also possible to accept persons with secondary or higher professional education


3.1. Acceptance of documents for training in the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education begins June 20 2013 and ends :

For persons with basic general education - August 25, 2013.;

Persons with secondary (complete) general education or primary vocational education - August 25, 2013.;

For persons entering the correspondence form of education - September 26, 2013 G.

3.2. Admission for training in the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out on the basis of a personal application of citizens.

An applicant has the right to apply simultaneously for several specialties, for various forms receive education, which implement the main professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, as well as at the same time on budget places and to places under contracts with payment of tuition fees.

3.3. When applying for training in the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education, applications are accepted from persons who have a state document on secondary (complete) general education, basic general education, primary vocational education, secondary vocational education or higher professional education.

3.4. When applying for admission, the applicant provides, at his own discretion:

Original or photocopy of documents proving his identity, citizenship;

Original or photocopy of a state document on education;

4 photos 3x4.

3.5. Persons who have special rights upon admission, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, submit, at their discretion, the original or a photocopy of the relevant documents when submitting an application.

When submitting an application, persons with disabilities provide, at their discretion, the original or a photocopy of the following documents:

The conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission;

Certificate of disability issued federal agency medical and social expertise.

3.6. An application for admission, as well as other necessary documents, can be sent by applicants through public postal operators.

When submitting an application for admission, as well as required documents through public postal operators, these documents are sent to: 0.

When sending documents by mail, an applicant shall attach to the application for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, a photocopy of a state-recognized document on education, as well as other documents provided for by these Rules.

The provision by the applicant by mail of an incomplete set of documents, the provision by the applicant by mail of unreadable personal statements and unreadable photocopies of documents, as well as applications without the personal signature of the applicant, may serve as grounds for refusing to consider the personal application of the applicant.

Acceptance of applications for admission to the College in electronic digital form in 2013 is not carried out.

3.7. Upon personal submission of documents, an applicant is issued a receipt on acceptance of documents.

3.8 The Admissions Committee monitors the accuracy of the information provided by applicants. In the event that applicants provide information that does not correspond to reality, the Admissions Committee returns the documents to the applicant.

Applicants who have submitted deliberately false documents to the College Admissions Committee are liable under the laws of the Russian Federation.


4.1. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 111 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", admission to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out on a public basis, unless otherwise provided by this part. When enrolling in educational programs of secondary vocational education in professions and specialties that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities, entrance tests are conducted in accordance with the admission procedure established by the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education. In the event that the number of applicants exceeds the number of places, the financial provision of which is carried out at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, educational organization carries out admission to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education in professions and specialties based on the results of mastering the educational program of basic general or secondary general education by applicants, indicated in the submitted documents on education.

4.2. Applicants entering for training in the specialties 262019 Design, modeling and technology of garments, 072501 Design (by industry), 050141 Physical culture pass entrance tests in general education subjects, aimed at identifying whether applicants have certain creative abilities, physical or psychological qualities.

262019 Design, modeling and technology of garments - drawing;

072501 Design (by industry) - drawing, painting, composition;

For part-time education - October 1.

6.2. Documents accepted from the applicant at the Admissions Committee can only be returned to the owner personally on the basis of a written application and a receipt issued upon receipt of documents, within the next working day after the application is submitted.

6.3. For enrollment in state-funded places and places under contracts with payment of tuition fees within the time limits established by the College, the applicant provides the original state-recognised document on education and four photographs. Enrollment in places under contracts with payment of tuition fees is carried out subject to the conclusion of the contract to pay the cost of education.

At the same time, an applicant who has sent documents through public postal operators, upon presentation of the original state document on education, presents the original document proving his identity, a photocopy of which was sent through public postal operators.



7.1. Reception foreign citizens in MSGTK FSBEI HPE "ASU" for training in basic educational programs of secondary vocational education is carried out in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and intergovernmental agreements of the Russian Federation at the expense of the relevant budget (including within the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation), as well as for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities.

7.2. Admission of foreign citizens for training at the expense of the relevant budget is carried out:

7.2.1. Within the quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 No. 000 “On cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2008, No. 35, Art. 4034, 2010 , No. 38, art. 4825) (hereinafter Decree No. 000), - in the directions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as directions).

7.2.2. In accordance with the Agreement on Granting Equal Rights to Citizens of the States Parties to the Treaty on Deepening Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Fields dated January 1, 2001, for admission to educational establishments, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.01 No. 000 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 27, Art. 3364), with an Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Education, Tashkent, May 15, 1992 (Bulletin of International Treaties , 1994, No. 6, p. 9), with the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Georgia on cooperation in the field of culture, science and education, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2, 1994 No. 43 (Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 6, Article 465), and other international treaties of the Russian Federation.

7.2.3. Based on the certificate of a participant in the State Program to Assist the Voluntary Resettlement to the Russian Federation of Compatriots Living Abroad, who became participants in the State Program to Assist the Voluntary Resettlement to the Russian Federation of Compatriots Living Abroad, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 No. 000 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 26, Art. 2820; 2009, No. 11, Art. 1278; No. 27, Art. 3341; No. 3, Art. 275).

7.2.4. In accordance with the Federal Law of January 1, 2001 “On the State Policy of the Russian Federation in Relation to Compatriots Abroad” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1999, No. 22, Art. 2670; 2002, No. 22, Art. 2031; 2004, No. 35, Article 3607; 2006, No. 1, Article 10; No. 31, Article 3420; 2008, No. 30, Article 3616; 2009, No. 30, Article 3740; 2010, No. 30, Article 4010) ( hereinafter referred to as Federal Law).

7.3. Documents are accepted in the following terms:

7.3.1. From foreign citizens specified in subparagraph 7.2.1 of these Rules, within the time limits established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

7.3.2. From foreign citizens specified in subparagraphs 7.2.2-7.2.4 of these Rules, within the time limits established for citizens of the Russian Federation.

7.3.3. Acceptance of documents from foreign citizens entering for training under contracts with payment of tuition fees by individuals and (or) legal entities is carried out with June 20 to November 29.