School 2100 in history. From the history of the creation of the program. Forecasts for the near future

On February 25, 2014, on the basis of Order No. 257 of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow "On the reorganization of state budgetary educational institutions of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow" dated June 05, 2013, as a result of the merger of nine educational institutions of the Zapadnoye Degunino district, a state budgetary educational institution GBOU secondary school No. 2100 was created . From that day on, a new history of our educational institution began.

History of structural unit No. 1 (secondary school No. 660)

The state educational institution secondary school No. 660 began its work in 1967.

The first director is Alexandra Ivanovna Gurova (1967-1973), the second director is Zoya Lvovna Pronina (1973-1981), since 1981 the school has been headed by Tatiana Alexandrovna Dymchenko.

In the first 6 years of the existence of the school, a general concept of its further development was formed. The principle of work was the desire of the teaching staff to make a school for children. In relations with students, the principles of self-government, publicity were affirmed, a variety of activities was ensured.

In the difficult 80s and 90s (in changing socio-economic conditions), the school managed to achieve certain successes, intelligently combining the best traditions with the search for and implementation of effective forms and methods of education and upbringing. In 1988, the school switched to admission to the first grade in terms of preparedness, from the 2nd year of study, gymnasium classes were opened for advanced students. From 1988 to 1999, the school worked in 2 shifts, providing different levels of education for students in each parallel (general education, natural science, gymnasium and correctional development).

A wonderful galaxy came out of the camp of the 660th teaching staff, including directors of Moscow schools: Perfilova N.R., Ananyeva T.V. And today its graduates work at the school: teachers of the Russian language and literature Efimchuk T.S., Samuseva L.B., head of household Tochaeva E.N., nurse Pomerantseva D.S.

Today it is a comprehensive school with primary, secondary and senior levels of education. The number of students has been stable for the last 5 years.

According to the mode of operation, this is a general educational institution with a GPA. The educational process is organized by trimesters; there are classes of 2 types: general education, profile (10.11); carried out various forms education: classroom, home, family.

For the fifth year, the school organizes pre-profile training and profile training. Pre-profile training takes place in grades 8-9, with the curriculum an increase in the number of teaching hours in the intended profile. Work on career guidance is carried out accompanied by a school psychologist who organizes testing for compliance with the chosen profile and subsequent work to adjust the optimization of paths right choice. Today, two profile classes are open at the school: 10 with two profile groups (social-mathematical, natural-mathematical), 11 with one group (information technology).

The school pays great attention to preserving the health of students, in connection with this, the organization of physical education lessons has changed: since 2011, a mandatory 5-minute exercise has been introduced before the start of lessons in all classes, an additional 3rd hour of physical education classes has been introduced in middle and high schools Since 2007, physical education lessons have been held in subgroups with personal teachers (boys and girls), which makes it possible to intensify work with girls, improve their physical level, and develop the necessary motor skills for all students.

The OU team is working on the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies. In the 2006\2007 academic year, on the basis of the Moscow teaching team, topic "Open educational technologies as a means of implementing student-centered learning at school." Today in the arsenal of school teachers there are various pedagogical technologies: goal-setting, didactic cycle, design and research activities, role-playing game, discussion, portfolio, RKCHP (development of critical thinking through reading and writing). The worthy organization of the scientific and methodological work of the school made it possible for the methodological council to present their work at the district festival of methodological services: an open meeting of methodological associations of teachers was held natural sciences and literature "The use of interdisciplinary connections in the learning process."

On the basis of school No. 660, in 2009, a city experimental site "The role of children's public associations in the modernization of the education system" was opened. The purpose of the experiment is to develop models of interaction between the educational institution and the children's public association, as innovative subjects in the formation of a modern educational space. The following directions have been chosen experimental work: educational; sports and recreation; labor; · cultural-historical-patriotic; · MASS MEDIA

Our school has striven and continues to strive to become a center for raising children together with the family, children's and adult public organizations.

History of structural unit No. 2 (TsO No. 1884)

The state budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow Education Center No. 1884 was established on the basis of the order of the Government of Moscow dated October 14, 2009 No. 2690-RP "On the creation of state budgetary educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow (in new buildings) and the order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated October 22, 2009 No. 2172.

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow Education Center No. 1884 (hereinafter referred to as the "Center") is a state budgetary institution educational institution. The Center is a non-profit organization and does not set profit making as the main goal of its activities.

Since the 2010 academic year - an education center with advanced classes in mathematics, computer science, economics

Since 2011 academic year: 1. Profile classes: Humanitarian specialization; 2. Classes with in-depth study of a foreign language.

Since the 2010 academic year, the education center has been working closely with the following universities: Moscow State University, Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, MGHPA them. Stroganov.

The school considers its main task to be the creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the student's personality, the self-realization of his creative and intellectual abilities.

History of the structural unit No. 3 (Lyceum No. 1594)

School No. 186, it all started that way….

The history of the street where the school is located is very interesting. The village of Degunino arose long before 1336, when it was inscribed by the Moscow prince Ivan Kalita in the spiritual charter. In 1854, it is said that in the village of Degunino, in contrast to the Church of the Nativity, there are the Church of Boris and Gleb, huts, the yard of the priests, the yard of the church clerk, cells for church elders who retired and lived in the village on full provision. At the beginning of the 17th century, the village was devastated, the church was destroyed, and Degunino became a village. Since 1624, a gradual revival of Degunino began. Only in 1700, the development of the village was noticed, the income was assessed as excessive and, by state decree, Degunino was granted the Alekseevsky Maiden Monastery. In 1762, a new church was erected in Degunino in the name of Boris and Gleb. In the post-revolutionary period, the Borisoglebovsky temple fell into decay and was completely ruined and closed already in 1940. The Rodina knitting factory was located in its premises, then there was a warehouse for spectacle frames of the Fedorov Ophthalmological Center. The temple has now been returned. Orthodox Church, restored and meets historical spiritual requirements. In the 1960s on former lands in the village of Degunino, housing construction began, grew new town, and since 1991 the municipal district "Western Degunino". Five and nine-story houses, kindergartens, two schools, shops were built on Deguninskaya Street.

On September 1, 1970, a school was opened at 2 Deguninskaya Street, which was assigned the number 186.

For three years, the school was staffed from grades 1 to 8 and had the status of a secondary polytechnic. Gurevich Grigory Pavlovich, a surprisingly gentle, intelligent person, was appointed the first director. Treated teachers with great respect loved children. He was demanding of himself and those around him. After the departure of Grigory Pavlovich for a well-deserved rest in 1987, Gorbacheva Tatyana Vasilievna took the baton. Under Tatyana Vasilievna, the school was a laureate of the "School of the Year" competition for two years. The team of teachers worked in an experimental mode to create conditions for the disclosure of talents and abilities of students, professional growth teaching team. The era of innovative transformations has begun. In 1997 Gorbacheva T.V. transfers the management of the school for one year to Logunova Tatyana Romanovna. And from 1998 to the present, the director of our school is Makarova Nadezhda Sergeevna, an interesting and talented teacher who has gone through all the stages of professional growth: a physics teacher - an organizer of extracurricular activities - a deputy director of the school for science - a director. For the period from 1998 to 2007, the school staff went through the stages of development of an educational institution from the school of adaptive education to the school open education, in which, along with general educational programs, programs in-depth study literature, in English, informatics and ICT, specialized education for students in grades 10-11 based on interaction with MSTU STANKIN and the University of Press, correctional and developmental education. In April 2009, the accreditation commission of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow assigned the school the status of a lyceum. On April 17, 2009, the State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 186 was renamed into the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Lyceum No. 1594 of a technical profile. A new history of the educational institution GOU Secondary School No. 186, which turned 40 years old in 2010, begins - the history of Lyceum No. 1594.

P.S. On September 18, 2004, a letter was sent to the school's email address: "I saw a familiar school number and could not help writing. The number that your school wears used to belong to a school located in the center on Yermolova Street, which was lost among Kolobovsky lanes on the backyard of the Central Market. When I was there for the last time (it was a long time ago, however) the Ministry of Justice was in the school building. The history of a school number is like the history of a military unit. Principals, teachers change, pupils leave, but always, remembering the school, we first we remember her number, and then those who came out of her doors and remained in memory. I can say that you will not have to be ashamed of your predecessor. She raised generations. My friends and I studied there, before the Great Patriotic War - our fathers and mothers, and even earlier - grandfathers. She was the center of gravity, communication. Many people came out of her, whose names were widely known. One name of Vladimir Vysotsky is worth a lot. It is very good that now there is an opportunity to record events in real time, do not leave this work, develop it. History is something that can and should unite us. Sincerely, Vladimir".

History of the structural unit No. 4 (D / s No. 253)

The educational institution was founded in April 1968 by Order of the Moscow Department of Public Education No. 71 as a kindergarten 1962 of the Timiryazev Department of Public Education.

By order of the Moscow Department of Public Education of December 28, 1972, No. 325, Kindergarten No. 1962 was reorganized and renamed nursery school No. 802 of the Timiryazev Department of Public Education.

By order of the Moscow Committee of Education dated April 21, 2001 No. 257, the nursery-kindergarten No. 802 was renamed the kindergarten of the combined type No. 802.

By order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated September 27, 2011 No. 676, the kindergarten of the combined type No. 802 was renamed into the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow the kindergarten of the combined type No. 253.

History of structural unit No. 5 (D / s No. 633)

State educational institution of the city of Moscow Kindergarten with an ethno-cultural (Russian) component of education No. 633 was opened in 1969 as a nursery / kindergarten No. 633.

In 2009, the institution received the status of the State Educational Institution of the City of Moscow with an ethno-cultural (Russian) component of education No. 633.

Our kindergarten is a separate building, built according to a standard project, located inside residential complex Microdistrict "Western Degunino" The territory is adjacent to the zone of mass recreation of the population - "Deguninsky pond".

The institution is fully equipped with the necessary equipment for the life support of the activities of pupils and the organization of the educational process.

In GOU Kindergarten No. 633, an ethnocultural educational space has been created, including groups for children of early and preschool age, physical culture and music halls, equipped with ethnic corners, mini-museums of peasant and merchant life, a game library of Russian folk games, and folk didactic manuals for sensory development. For socio-psychological and correctional services, the offices of a teacher-psychologist and a teacher-speech therapist are equipped. The kindergarten has a Lukoshko museum, an art studio, and a game library.

There are 9 groups in the kindergarten: 1 group of children early age(2-3 years old), 8 groups of preschool children (3-7 years old). Two structural subdivisions "Family Kindergarten" were opened.

The preschool educational institution works according to the program "The program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M.A. Vasilyeva; "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture" Knyazeva O.L., Makhaneva M.D., defining new guidelines in the moral and patriotic education of children - familiarizing them with traditional moral values Russian people.

The main tasks of the Institution are: - protection of life and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children; - ensuring cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development of children; - education, taking into account the age categories of children, citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for nature, Motherland, family; - interaction with families of children to ensure the full development of children; - provision of advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children.

History of structural unit No. 6 (D / s No. 1278)

Our kindergarten №12 78 opened on November 5, 1981. He accepted his first pupils on November 9th. At that time, it had the status of "Nursery - Garden". The first educators were young specialists from Moscow pedagogical schools: Kotova Marina Sergeevna, Godanova Lyudmila Evgenievna, Kurshina Svetlana Vladimirovna, Kurochkina Lyubov Ivanovna, Krylova Nina Sergeevna. The head of the kindergarten is Natalya Sergeevna Blokhina. The entire staff of the kindergarten from the first days of its existence was actively involved in all the pedagogical affairs of the Zheleznodorozhny district of Moscow. Together with the trade union organization, we participated in socialist competition and turned our kindergarten into a "model". Already in the 1982-83 academic year, Ziatdinova Tamara Egorovna, Mahrova Valentina Kondratievna, Shamygina Tatyana Alekseevna, around whom a friendly, creative and efficient team subsequently formed, came to work.

In 1985, in the socialist competition, we won the challenge Red Banner, which remained with us forever, as a memory of the first victories of our preschool.

In 1988, the teaching staff of the kindergarten and the pedagogical community of the Zheleznodorozhny RONO delegated the head of the preschool institution to the V All-Union Congress of Teachers, which worked in Moscow on December 21-23, 1988. The advanced ideas of those days are still alive in our team and continue to be implemented in the lives of our little pupils in the form of interesting activities, innovative technologies, copyright techniques.

In 1992, our kindergarten changed its status, because. correctional groups were opened for children with a delay mental development and speech disorders. Since then, our status is "Kindergarten of the combined type." This means that a nursery group, preschool groups are successfully working in the kindergarten: junior, middle and senior - preparatory, and correctional for children with mental retardation - middle, senior, preparatory, speech therapy, where different teachers are simultaneously engaged in educational, correctional and educational work. The main classes in correctional groups are teachers - defectologists, teachers - speech therapists. The formation of correctional education was carried out by highly qualified specialists, a teacher - defectologist Tatyana Borisovna Savinova, Tatyana Mikhailovna Svetlichnaya and Irina Maratovna Novikova, who subsequently defended her thesis using the experience gained in our correctional groups pedagogical work. Their experience is now fully used by teachers - defectologists and teachers - speech therapists of our preschool institution.

Since 1992, a sports hall has been equipped in the kindergarten, since that time the educator has been in charge of sports work physical education Akhmatova Alla Aleksandrovna, master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics, therefore our kindergarten is the leader in sports and recreation work in the Northern District.

History of structural unit No. 7 (D / s No. 1608)

From the very foundation, from 1982 to the present day, he has been the head of educational institution Artyushkina Valentina Alexandrovna, head of the highest category. Artyushkina Valentina Alexandrovna graduated pedagogical school No. 7 of the Moscow City Executive Committee in 1967 and the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya in 1975. From 1967 to 1982 she worked as a kindergarten teacher in Moscow. Since 1982 - head of kindergarten No. 1238 in Moscow, since 1993 - director of UVK, and then GOU " Primary School- Kindergarten "No. 1608. She was awarded the medal “In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow (1997), the industry badge “Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation” (2000), and has the title “Excellence in Public Education (1993), veteran of labor.

GOU No. 1608 was created on the basis of I / s No. 1238 on 08/01/1993. From 1993 to June 1998 it was registered as an educational complex No. 1608 "Kindergarten - Primary School", and from June 1998 received the status of the State Educational Institution "Primary School - Kindergarten" No. 1608. Since 2010 we have been working as a kindergarten .. Works 10 preschool groups accept children from 2 to 7 years old. Since 2011, the institution has received the status of Development Center child - child garden number 1608.

History of structural unit No. 8 (D / s No. 2665)

Based on the order of the Government of Moscow dated September 05, 2008 No. 2026-RP, order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated September 05, 2008 No. No. 562 and the order of the Northern District Department of Education of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated September 26, 2008 No. No. 345, in order to develop the infrastructure of the Northern Administrative District, the State Educational Institution of the City of Moscow, the Center for Child Development - Kindergarten No. 2265, building address: Moscow, Ivan Susanin St., 4A

On the basis of the order dated July 14, 2009 No. 642 of the Northern District Education Department of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, in connection with the completion of construction, from 09/01/2009. new kindergarten opened - State Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 2665.

Based on the Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated September 27, 2011 No. 676, the State Educational Institution Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 2665 was renamed the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Child Development Center Kindergarten No. 2665.

History of structural unit No. 9 (D / s No. 2668)

The state educational institution of the city of Moscow kindergarten No. 2668 was established on the basis of the order of the Government of Moscow dated September 05, 2008 No. 2026-RP "On the establishment of state educational institutions of the system of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow", order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated September 05, 2008 No. 557 " On the establishment of the State Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Kindergarten No. 2668.

By order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow dated September 27, 2011 No. 676, the State Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Kindergarten No. 2668 was renamed the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Moscow Kindergarten No. 2668.

The state budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow kindergarten No. 2668 is a state budgetary preschool educational institution of a general developmental type.

School 2100

School 2100- the concept of the educational system. Developed and tested by Amonashvili Sh. A., Leontiev A. A., Bondyreva S. K., Ladyzhenskaya T. A., Buneev R. N., Buneeva E. V., Goryachev A. V., Vakhrushev A. A. , Danilov D. D., Melnikova E. L. and others.

The system is based on the concept of A. A. Leontiev "Pedagogy of common sense", on the system of principles of developing education and implements modern educational technologies of the activity type: the technology of problem-dialogical learning, the technology of forming the type of correct reading activity (productive reading). Learning programs based on the concept are implemented in the system of school and preschool (Kindergarten 2100) education Russian Federation. For the development of the theoretical foundations of the concept and its experimental implementation, the main developers in 2008 were awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

The name of the program

The number "2100" has a symbolic meaning for the creators of the educational system, since it includes the number 21, which means the current century, and two adjacent zeros merge into the mathematical sign of infinity, which symbolizes progress and movement. Russian education based on common sense pedagogy.

History of creation

Features of educational technologies


It should be noted that the opinions of both specialists and parents about the School 2100 system are far from unambiguous. Opponents point out, in particular, the complexity of the program, the need for parents to deal with children much more and more seriously than with traditional teaching methods, and that there are far from all Russian teachers ready to work on it. Supporters say that children who study according to this system really become independent, searching, thinking, speaking.



  • Feldstein D. "School 2100" - a success confirmed by time // Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Federal Issue No. 4873 of March 24, 2009

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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

The most important step in the study and teaching of the course of the subject "History" at the basic and profile levels is the choice of providing textbooks, which is the main means of learning.

Table 1

Comparative analysis of textbooks of basic and specialized levels:

A basic level of

Profile level

His choice suggests that history will most likely not become one of the foundations of the student's professional activity. However, the study of this discipline, at least for basic level everyone needs:

To navigate in the modern multifaceted world, understanding how the palette of countries, peoples, worldviews surrounding you has developed. (1-2 line of development).

To understand the causes of the changes taking place in society and, deciding on actions, to calculate their consequences. (3rd line of development).

In order to act according to the mind and conscience, not to fall for the deception of various crooks and extremists, independently assessing the events taking place in society from a moral standpoint (4th line of development), from the standpoint of a citizen and patriot of multinational Russia (5th line of development).

The student's choice of this level suggests that knowledge of history will be important for the future planned profession. In this case, in addition to the above goals, new ones are set:

To be ready for independent historical research (scientific, journalistic, expert, etc.), to understand the intricacies of historical science, which, step by step, through complex discussions, recreates the true picture of the past of mankind.

If necessary, proclaim socially significant positions and publicly defend them in civilized disputes with opponents.

The textbook "History of Russia and the World" for each grade (10th and 11th) includes two modules. In the tenth grade, the first module is called "From tribal communities to nation states". It consecrates the problems of the formation of world civilizations and the peculiarities of Russia's development. The second module is called - "From great discoveries to great revolutions." It is devoted to the problem of the formation of a single civilizational space of mankind in modern times, the role and place of our country in these processes. In the eleventh grade, the first module - "From faith in progress to the era of world wars" covers the transition from New to recent history, development and crisis of industrial society (from the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the Second World War). The second module - "From World War to Global Peace" - covers the time from the Second World War to the present day, and is devoted to the processes of formation of modern diverse humanity.

All modules have the same structure:

Firstly, goals are set in the form of a list of skills that need to be mastered in the course of studying the material of the watershed.

Secondly, the topics, the structural content of which is represented by materials of the general educational and specialized levels.

Thirdly, the final test, which checks the development of skills by students through competence-based tasks (application of knowledge in models of real life situations) and through tests in the format of the Unified State Exam.

Chapters and paragraphs of the textbook, according to world history and the history of Russia are given synchronously - in parallel, or integrated. So, in the second book for the eleventh grade, in the topic Great War(1930s, 1939 - 1945) material on the Second World War and the Great patriotic war integrates. Other topics from this textbook are presented in parallel synchronously: Chapter Eight - The World " cold war» and chapter nine - Socialism Soviet Union(1945 - 1991). The synchronously-parallel approach to structuring the textbook material means that the material on the Universal and Patriotic history is not combined, but presented in separate topics (chapters) for the same period of time. This approach allows students to synchronize the processes taking place in foreign countries and in Russia. This is much more convenient for students than two separate textbooks on General and Patriotic History.

In the textbooks of the educational system "School 2100" the content is built in accordance with the principle of developmental education, which was formulated by Academician A. A. Leontiev - this is the principle of minimax. The teacher and the textbook simulate a situation where a student can take a maximum of material, but at the same time, each student must necessarily master the necessary minimum of material that is worked out in the learning process. This principle enables the authors of School 2100 textbooks to offer their own solution to the problem of multi-level education and the formation of an individual educational trajectory for each student. The number of questions after the paragraph and the amount of information in the text of the paragraphs are redundant. This is done so that the teacher and students choose for themselves the most interesting option for them, the lesson. The teacher and students must adhere to the following rule: Not everything included in the textbook needs to be read and done! You need to independently conduct a search for interesting and important information.

For those students who are not going to take the Unified State exam in history, you can learn a small set of knowledge that is feasible for them (dates, concepts, names) and trace the connection between them, forming a big picture historical development Russia and the world. In this case, a small part of the texts and tasks, even at the general educational level, may possibly remain unused.

Students who value high USE results, it is important to have a deep understanding of the historical picture of the world. For them, a set of knowledge cannot be contained in one school course, handbook, or textbook. It is necessary for such children, working at the profile and humanitarian level, to constantly strive to complete tasks, not only at an increased, but also at the maximum level.

Material presentation levels:

Formulation and formulation of the problem;

Repetition of necessary decisions;

Solution to the problem.

The problem of the lesson is formulated by students on the basis of materials that usually contradict each other and are presented at the very beginning of the paragraph. So, in paragraph 35, a history textbook for the tenth grade (book 2), materials are given: enlighteners of minds and troublemakers of souls, tasks are offered for them: compare two opinions on the significance of the ideas of the Enlightenment in the history of mankind, than these opinions contradict each other , what problematic question could you raise based on this contradiction and compare your question with the question proposed by the authors. Problematic questions for each paragraph that the authors propose are given at the end of the textbook. At the stage of repeating the necessary knowledge, students, according to the tasks of the textbook, vocabulary work, give detailed answers to questions and tasks offered by the authors of the textbook. The text of the paragraph, as usual, is divided into parts, each of which has a title expressing main idea this part of the paragraph. Before each part of the paragraph, tasks are offered: the first task usually refers to the content of this part, the second task suggests making a conclusion on the problematic task of the entire paragraph. That is, the authors of the textbook suggest a step-by-step solution to the problematic issue. When performing a specific task, students rely on both the text of the paragraph and illustrative materials (diagrams, diagrams, graphs, tables, maps, etc.). At the end of the section, the authors present their options for deriving problematic issue and offer students to compare their version of the output with the author's.

At the basic level, the text for solving a problem task is usually given in a generalized form and at a higher theoretical level than is done in textbooks for basic schools of grades 5-9. This seriously distinguishes the textbooks of the educational system "School 2100" for senior classes from the textbooks of other educational lines. In our opinion, the authors avoided the main reproach against high school history textbooks: a simple repetition of material from textbooks for grades 5-9 and excessive detail that does not allow students to see the main thing.

So, in the textbook for the seventh grade, the history material Russia XVII century, is presented in seven paragraphs, and in the textbook of the tenth grade in one paragraph. It is no secret that teachers in high school are often forced to run through a huge amount of factual material "galloping through Europe", which in the end is poorly absorbed by schoolchildren. The authors of the textbook have found very successful means that allow schoolchildren to have the most holistic view of a particular era, with details that are not in the paragraphs. These are detailed chronological tables with tasks offered at a basic level after each paragraph of the school textbook. For example, to the chronological table for the period 1953 - 1964, which is called "The Chronology of the Khrushchev Thaw", tasks are given: to highlight about two, three of the most important events of the reign of N. S. Khrushchev, in socio-economic, domestic political, as well as in foreign policy areas. Or, on the basis of chronology Old Russian state infer who founded Russian state: Varangians, Normans or Slavs? Usually in high school textbooks, summary chronological tables are provided at the very end, which serve only as a reference for students. They usually rarely refer to such tables. Chronological tables in the textbooks of the history of the educational system "School 2100" are problematic and they, as textual visual materials, are sources of knowledge for schoolchildren.

Well-known domestic methodologists A. I. Strazhev and P. V. Gora called such tables - chronological complexes. For such complexes, it is not necessary to memorize dates and events. In such complexes, the dynamics of one or another historical process. Schoolchildren at the right time have the opportunity to turn to structural complexes as sources, as well as reference materials.

The profile level is represented by such components as: the formulation of the scientific problem of the lesson, the solution of this problem and the ongoing project - research. To solve the problem, we use historical documents works of historians, as processed and authentic, as well as statistical and historiographical materials. Moreover, these materials are clearly structured. All this gives the material an exploratory character. profile level. It is provided with methodological guidelines: algorithms (reminders), which, in turn, are placed at the very beginning of each book: analysis of the “Letter of a historical source”, “critical analysis of any text of historical content. Each memo is accompanied by comments: “analyze the algorithm presented below and find out what it gives to build trust in one or another source of historical information“ To a book, article, TV show, film, etc. “, for its figurative understanding, as well as definition of attitude towards it.

Finally, the newest type of textbook for the senior level appeared in Russian schools - called the research one. According to historians - Methodists O. Yu. Strelova and E. E. Vyazemsky, the main type of school book is still the author's, i.e. value judgments the author and his opinions about certain historical events are dominant over all historical material within the framework of this textbook. Naturally, the methodological apparatus of such a book is oriented towards the complete reproduction of the author's version of the text. In turn, the value orientations of schoolchildren and teachers, as subjects educational activities are not of paramount importance, and fade into the background.

Similarly, according to O. Yu. Strelova and E. E. Vyazemsky, in the world teaching practice in democratic countries, a different model of the educational book is developing, in which the author's version is not dominant. The foundation of such a book is an organized text, built on the basis of sources, designed to provide methodological conditions for the holistic formation of competencies, assimilation learning activities. For example, let's analyze paragraph 15, in the textbook for grade 10 (book 1). The topic is called: "The choice of faith and its significance." At the beginning of the paragraph, the guys are given the right to pose the problem themselves, in this case the choice of Orthodoxy is: Great choice or fatal choice? Suggested sources: L. N. Gumilyov on the adoption of Orthodoxy in historical research"From Rus' to Russia", P. Ya. Chaadaev from "Philosophical Letters" (magazine "Telescope", 1838), as well as A. S. Pushkin on the adoption of Orthodoxy in a letter to P. Ya. Chaadaev (1836 ). Thus, the author's version is only a fulcrum for further reasoning of schoolchildren.

At the level of profile teaching of history, the following are used as a source base: historiographic and static, authentic and processed materials, which have their own systematized structure. At this level, the research nature of the material is determined by the methodological instructions in the form of memos, which are indicated at the beginning of each book: "Critical Analysis of the Historical Text", "Analysis of the Written Historical Source". In turn, each is provided with comments of a certain nature, for example: “Analyze the algorithm presented below and find out its role in developing confidence in one or another source of historical information, whether it be an article in a newspaper or a TV show, to understand it and determine the attitude towards it.

For any sources, for example, as we indicated above - "Letters of Chaadaev", "Statements of A. S. Pushkin" within the framework of the topic of the adoption of Orthodoxy, etc., information is provided about the authors of the historical work from which certain fragments are taken, as well as possibilities of its certification.

School textbooks for the tenth and eleventh grades of the "School 2100" educational system have a peculiar structure of their methodological apparatus, the structure of which does not include questions, cognitive tasks that contribute to the development of learning skills and universal learning activities.

It is noteworthy that the tasks are not offered at the beginning or end of the paragraph, but are enclosed within the text. For example, in paragraph 12 of a history textbook for the 10th grade, in the topic “Prehistory of Russia”, we are talking about its settlement in the primitive era, and right there between the paragraphs characterizing the formation of the first peoples and their further ethnic differentiation, the task is given: “Define which representatives language families were settled on the territory of Russia in the era ancient world". Thus, this task, as it were, links two topics together, and serves as a means not of consolidating the material, but of organizing cognitive activity.

V. M. Antonov and O. A. Abashkina recommend paying attention to the conceptual apparatus of the textbook, since the single rule of the School 2100 OS is the absence of clearly formulated definitions in the paragraph. Schoolchildren, on the basis of the material given to them, search for definitions themselves, and then check the concept they found with the dictionary.

The most informative source of knowledge is cartographic materials that are placed on the endpapers and nahzats of textbooks (for example, “ Old light in the 13th century: civilizations of the Middle Ages).

The authors of school textbooks of the educational system "School 2100" avoid confusion in the text, and provide the children with different points of view, again without putting the author's position within the dominant one. An example is the principle of constructing a lesson: problematic. The students themselves formulate the problem, formulate the conceptual apparatus, etc. The board of the OS "School 2100" does this to form patriotism, moral and ethical values ​​in children.

An innovative phenomenon is the heading of the implementation of research projects, for which a bibliographic list is given for the preparation of abstracts, messages and reports. This also includes the information aspect with the involvement of Internet resources. Within the framework of the school textbook "Schools 2100", the requirements of the general education and profile levels are taken into account, where each topic is presented at both levels. For example, let's take the theme of the 15th paragraph, already familiar to us, "The choice of faith and its meaning." First, on page 212, general educational material is presented, and on page 222, material at the specialized level. If at the basic, the material of the paragraph is presented in a simplified form (cartographic, and author's material), then at the profile level, presented by the problem-dialogic technology, the presentation themes are coming already with the involvement of documentary sources in this case: B. D. Grekov, I. Ya. Froyanov, M. N. Pokrovsky, S. V. Yushkov and others.

Thus, after analyzing school textbooks for senior grades of the educational system "School 2100", on the example of books for the 10th and 11th grades, we came to the conclusion that these works are the latest type of educational books that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation, competency-based and personality-oriented models of historical education. They contribute to the development of civic-patriotic qualities and, most importantly, give students the opportunity to choose the level of history teaching themselves, and thereby determine their own trajectory of their development.

2 . 2 Methods of work on history textbooks for senior grades of the educational system« School 2100»

The level structure (each paragraph and chapter) is first represented by materials and tasks of a general educational, non-humanitarian profile. Then follow materials and tasks of a humanitarian profile. Between them is usually chronological table- a concise presentation of basic and additional facts on the topic.

However, the division into specialized and general educational levels should not be considered as strictly mandatory. If desired, students of general education classes can work with materials of a specialized level. In accordance with the technologies used in the School 2100 Educational System, you can choose one of the options:

Table 2.

General education levels at school:

In general education (non-humanitarian class)

(2 hours per week)

In the profile humanitarian class

(4 hours per week)

individual plan

Similar to school (grades 5-9).

Based on the materials of sociological discussions, initially determine the main problem and compare your version with the author's. With the help of auxiliary questions, remember what existing knowledge will be useful for solving a new problem.

With the help of tasks to analyze the texts of the paragraph, the converter of the information available in them to obtain a solution.

Make a conclusion on the problem of the lesson and compare with the author's. They may not coincide, one can and should argue with the author's conclusions, proving his opinion with arguments and facts.

Similar to universities:

Each paragraph is studied in two lessons.

At the first (independently or with a teacher) to study the materials of the general educational level in order to systematize the basic knowledge.

Before the second lesson, determine the main problem of the profile level (based on the materials of scientific discussions).

Before starting the lesson, understand the problem using quotes from various sources and works of scientists (optional - with the help of additional literature). Prepare your presentation in class.

In the process of discussion in the lesson, analyze different points of view, identify your position on the problem.

Diffusion structural material two levels, and its construction into a holistic individual educational trajectory of learning.

An important step towards teaching the course "History of Russia and the World" is the development of a detailed thematic planning lessons for the whole academic year in tenth and eleventh grades. When developing this planning, materials of the program developed by D. D. Danilov and others were used. These materials were significantly improved, since four hours a week were provided for the profile level, in gymnasium No. 39 three hours were allocated for the profile level. In addition, in the planning, which is given in the program of D. D. Danilov, only the numbers of lessons and their topics are indicated; in some cases, for the profile level, such a form of training sessions as a historical court is indicated.

Therefore, significant additions were made to the planning for gymnasium No. 39: in addition to the names of the topics of the lesson, the main questions studied in the lesson were indicated, the main problem of the lesson was given, and the main types of schoolchildren's activities were characterized. This form of planning is more in line with the new educational standards.

As an example, we can give fragments of planning for the tenth grade:

"Lesson 83". Working with sources. S35 P.

1. Thinkers about the ideology of the Enlightenment.

2. Sources on the embodiment of the ideas of the Enlightenment during the American War of Independence;

Lesson problem: Was the American Revolutionary War of 1775-1783 a socio-political revolution?

Types of student activities:

PL: definition, what ideas of the enlighteners influenced the minds of the inhabitants of the North American colonies of England? ;

P: analysis of sources according to the algorithm and formulation of a conclusion on the problem;

PM: Preparing Papers: American Heroes of the American Revolutionary War.

"Lesson 84". French Revolution and Napoleon. S 36 O.

1. The beginning of the French Revolution;

2. The culmination and sunset of the revolution.

3. Empire of Napoleon - from heyday to collapse.

Lesson problem: Did the French Revolution change humanity for better or worse / affirmation of "freedom and fraternity" or "terror and hatred"?

Key concepts: the split of French society, Jacobin dictatorship, Thermoderian coup, Napoleon's empire;

Types of student activities:

PM: formulation of the problem and its solution;

P: determining the causes of the revolution;

P: determination of the causes and consequences of the transition from one stage of the revolution to another;

P: characterization of the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte from different positions;

PM: work with the map and chronology of the Great French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars;

"Lesson 85". Working with sources.

1. Documents of the Great french revolution;

2. Evaluation of the revolution by its contemporaries;

3. Historians about the French Revolution and the dictatorship of Napoleon;

Lesson problem: Was Napoleon's dictatorship the inevitable end of the revolution? This is a continuation or a counter-revolutionary coup.

Types of student activities:

PM: formulation of the problem and its solution;

PM: analysis of sources according to the algorithm and filling in the table (p. 215) ;

P: analysis of contemporaries' assessments of Napoleon's dictatorship;

PM: preparation of essays: "Human Rights and Terror of the Great French Revolution".

Consider the methodology for conducting a lesson at the basic (general educational level).



Let's take a classic example of the form of the lesson "Historical Court" presented not by the classical "court" that makes a verdict, because it makes a judgment. The judges themselves are schoolchildren, judging the deeds of their ancestors, in order to develop or clarify their own opinion on the main historical issues that are part of the worldview of every literate individual, and everyone has their own answers to them, the main thing is to come to them as independently as possible, taking into account the arguments of the parties.

The goals are to develop in students who are actively involved in the process the skills to:

Independent search and research activities,

Arguing and defending one's position in a respectful manner opposite side;

For schoolchildren passively participating in the court:

Systematize knowledge of history and determine the actual attitude to key phenomena, personalities, processes.

The means are the selection of the most controversial topics, personalities, phenomena, for which there are fundamentally opposite assessments in the modern mass public consciousness (including, possibly, in science). For each of these problems, a training question is formulated in the form of opposite assessments of a particular character, phenomenon, organization, including, possibly, in the form of a suspicion that his (her) activities contain signs of a crime against fellow citizens, humanity, etc.

Also, the preparation of individual or collective mini-projects "Lawyer of the Historical Court" or "Prosecutor of the Historical Court" on relevant topics - problematic assessments.

An equally important means is the adversarial form in the process of jury trial, where the role of the jury is played by all those students of the class who did not participate in the "Defense" and "Prosecution" teams.

Form of preparation litigation next: at least a week before the scheduled lesson, students are invited to act as prosecutors or lawyers in a historical court session on a specific problematic topic, for example: “Peter the Great - a hero or a criminal?”. Accordingly, two teams are formed "Protection of Peter the Great" and "Prosecution of Peter the Great". Also, students who have chosen roles independently educational materials, additional literature prepare their speeches for the court session, participation in the debate. The teacher acts as a consultant.

Directly during the court session, the roles in the process are determined: where the presiding judge is the teacher, and the students play roles in the “defense” team (lawyers and assistants), “accusations” (prosecutors and his assistants) and jurors (all other class students, who will hear the views of the defense and the prosecution).

During the process, two teams compete with each other at the court session: “Protection” and “Prosecution”. For team members, these are presentations of their research project. For the rest of the students, who play the role of jurors, judicial debate is an aid in defining and arguing their own point of view.

The speeches of the parties last about ten minutes, each of which gives a specific assessment of its position for five minutes, special priority is given to historical facts, direct citation and links to reliable documentary sources.

Disputes in court, with one lesson, usually take no more than ten minutes. On the other hand, the defense and the prosecution regular order ask questions to each other, and “test the ground” of the opponent, what is his weakness and how strong his arguments are. The teacher should supervise the following important rules, when conducting a historical trial:

Do not insult each other, do not use profanity;

Do not go over to the personalities of "prosecutors" and "lawyers", to judge within the framework of a specific historical era.

In case of violation, the teacher (like a referee) makes a remark to the offender, if repeated, deprives him of his speech for 5-10 minutes (hourglass) or until the end of the meeting.

Final speeches of the parties (6 minutes). Each side, addressing the jury, declares what verdict they are asking for the defendant (totally “guilty”, or “guilty, but deserves leniency”; “not guilty”), supporting their request with the most striking arguments revealed during the process.

Jurors deliver their verdict individually and in writing (5 minutes). Sheets of each juror shall be handed over to the presiding judge. IN educational process they can be considered as a task for the 5th line of development - civic self-determination. For them (as well as for all tasks of this line), the rule applies - it is not the position that is evaluated, but only its argumentation.

Within the framework of this topic, we will consider an example of a specific lesson from the "Historical Court" on the topic: Peter the Great: a hero or a criminal (to the lesson on paragraph 32-33 of Module 2, grade 10)

Introduction to the process The prosecutor and the lawyer exchange pre-prepared sheets with points of accusation and defense (see 1st and 2nd stages of the process). The judge addresses the jury: “Today, the actions of the emperor of Russia, Peter the Great, will be brought to the judgment of descendants - there are still fierce debates in society about his role in the history of Russia. Extreme assessments allow us to formulate our question as follows: "Peter the Great - a hero or a criminal?" In the prosecution team of Peter the Great today ... (representation of prosecutors). In the defense team of Peter the Great today ... (representation of lawyers). All remaining procedural participants are a panel of jurors. I have to remind you that each of you does not pass a sentence, but your own opinion about the actions of Peter I - guilty (criminal), deserving of leniency, not guilty (hero). To make this judgment, carefully listen to the arguments of the parties, evaluate the facts presented, and try to distract yourself from your sympathies towards the defenders and accusers themselves. The most important thing is for everyone to understand for himself how he relates to the deeds of Peter the Great.

The word of the prosecutor - 5 minutes - an approximate beginning and plan: “Your honor, gentlemen of the jury! We have every reason to consider Peter the Great a delinquent and a criminal, for such reasons as ... - to list those actions of Peter the Great (no more than the four most basic generalized ones) that can be considered crimes against Russia and its citizens. Each point of accusation is immediately confirmed by the communication of a couple of specific facts.

Defense response - five minutes - approximate beginning and plan: “Your honor, gentlemen of the jury! It is impossible to agree with the opinion of the respected prosecutor! Peter is a great ruler and hero in the history of Russia, because ... - object to the prosecutor on all counts, proving that the actions of Peter the Great are not crimes, but, on the contrary, heroic deeds, feats committed for the sake of Russia and its citizens (or explaining What extenuating circumstances does Peter have). For each item - give facts confirming the position of the defense.

Judicial debate (five minutes): The prosecutor and the lawyer ask each other questions (no more than two each), in order to show the inadequacy of the position of the opposite side and assure the court of the correctness of their position. Each question to the opposite side should begin with these words:

“Dear prosecutor/lawyer, could you explain…. - tricky question. “Do you know, comrade lawyer, or perhaps you, comrade prosecutor, that ... the description of the fact is not entirely convenient for the opposite side - ... and how does this agree with the opinion of the prosecution and defense about Peter the Great?”

“If you say that Peter I (a hero or a criminal), then for what reasons ... - follows a fact that refutes the opinion of the opposite side”

Closing speech of the prosecutor (2-3 minutes) - appeal to the jury. “Your honor, gentlemen of the jury! I ask you to make your judgment that Peter the Great (guilty of crimes against Russia and its citizens / guilty, but deserves leniency), because ... - the most vivid emotional evidence is given.

The final word of the lawyer is an appeal to the jurors. “Comrade judge, gentlemen of the jury! I ask you to make your judgment that Peter the Great is the real pride of Russia, the emperor is absolutely not guilty of the crimes against Russia and the people accused of him (guilty, but in turn deserves leniency), because ... - the most vivid emotional evidence is given.

Jury judgment. Each juror writes down his personal opinion about Peter the Great on a separate sheet for five minutes (the beginning of the entry is in the form indicated below):

“Today - (the date must be given) - I - (full name) - answer in the face of my memory and conscience that Peter the Great (guilty of a crime against Russia and its citizens - guilty, but deserves leniency - not guilty - he is a hero and pride of Russia ), - then the juror argues his opinion with factual material.

Table 3

Consider required levels as part of the process:

We proceed to the open voting of the jury's judgments. The presiding judge announces the verdict of the given composition of the jury of the historical court. At the same time, he adds: "... The verdict of our jury can be appealed and changed by any person in the face of his conscience and historical memory."

Thus, modern school history textbooks are not just a set of text intended for memorization, a textbook without a methodological apparatus turns into art book, which is of little help in the development of knowledge in historical science. Education system"School 2100" over the years of its existence has accumulated vast experience in creating a single and branched structure of questions, text tasks, tables, cartographic materials with tasks, etc. Questions and tasks in the textbook OS "School 2100" are not isolated from the text of the paragraph, they are firmly fixed in it, and are its integral part, which is aimed at the independent search for knowledge by students. Turn a school textbook from a book that needs to be learned and memorized into a coherent practical guide"School 2100" succeeded due to various help desks: chronological materials, cartography, conceptual apparatus, names, metric and genealogical tables, documents, sources and other valuable information. The structure of a modern school textbook on the history of the OS "School 2100" is not conceivable without a holistic practice - and personality - oriented methodological apparatus, which has concentrated all the information and is ready, like a well with crystal clear water, to "fill" thirsty schoolchildren with knowledge, skills and skills that they will get themselves in the process of their "creative search".

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New superpower - Canada

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The search for answers to these questions is occupied by futurologists who, using the picture of today and the power of their imagination, are trying to imagine what kind of world the next generations will live in.

The platform on which they joined forces for this purpose was given the name "Future Timeline".

Forecasts for the near future

Forecasts regarding the time period that the current generation will most likely be able to see with their own eyes have been published in the form of the following list, distributed by year.

The 5G standard will be launched.

A cure for malaria will be found.

Ultra-high-definition television will operate, holographic television will be presented.

- "Sony" ("Sony") will present "Playstation 5" ("Playstation 5").

Male contraceptive pills will enter the market.

The first artificial kidney will be produced.

India will overtake China to become the most populous country in the world.

Germany will put a lock on all nuclear power plants.

In the US, solar energy will produce 10% of electricity.

Flying taxis will be used in Dubai.

Türkiye will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic.

Brain implants will bring back "lost memories".

In Central Africa, the population of gorillas will completely disappear.

Blockchain technology, which emerged with the advent of bitcoin, will be used as a standard in payment transactions around the world.

The elephant population will disappear.

Clothing will come into use, the models of which will be downloaded from the Internet and made using a 3D printer.

Television broadcasting will be carried out only via the Internet.

For the first time, 3D printers will begin to produce organs in the laboratory.

All seafood will be produced through aquaculture.

BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) will overtake the G7 countries for the first time.

In the UK, which represents the oldest media in Europe, "print newspapers" will completely go out of circulation and continue to exist on the Internet.

Success will be achieved in the implementation of the project to resurrect some extinct species of animals.

Artificial intelligence will become a reality.

The functions of cashiers and sellers, primarily in supermarkets, will be performed by robots.

The United States will begin to lose its status as a world superpower.

Depression will be the number one disease in the world.

Bangkok will be uninhabitable due to flooding.

In the production of wheat and corn, perennial crops will be actively used, from which a crop can be harvested for two or three years.

For the first time in the UK, married couples will be in the minority.

Due to the sharp drop in cocoa production, chocolate will once again become a luxury item.

Saudi Arabia will become the first country in the world to provide a third of its electricity needs from solar energy.

The speed of the Internet will be 100,000 times faster than today. A “terabit” connection will become the norm.

The first manned expedition to Phobos, one of the two moons of Mars, will take place.

Mining work on asteroids will begin. Precious metals contained in meteorites will be delivered to Earth.

Airlines will start operating, offering the possibility of passenger flights at hypersonic speeds.

The first evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life will appear.

The European Union will collapse.

Russia will become the world's largest producer of agricultural products.

The first habitable base will be created on the Moon.

A cure for Alzheimer's disease will be found.

Synthetic meat produced in a lab will be a common item on store shelves.

Dream of teleportation complex organic molecules will become a reality.

The volume of the global space industry market will exceed one trillion dollars.

The world's first dollar trillionaire will appear.

The predominant method of interpersonal communication will be virtual telepathy.

Tobacco and cigarette products will completely disappear.

In the United States, deaths from cardiovascular disease will be extremely rare.

The global average temperature will rise by two degrees.

A yottaflop computer capable of performing operations 50 million times faster than modern supercomputers will be created.

In Tokyo, the implementation of the project of the 70-story wooden skyscraper worth $5.6 billion.

The world's population will exceed nine billion people.

In the United States, for the first time, "whites" will be in the minority.

People and machines will merge into a single whole.

The presence of robots in everyday and professional life will become commonplace.

Discrimination against sexual minorities will decrease significantly.

Japan will completely eliminate the consequences of the Fukushima accident.

For the first time, "designer babies" will be born.

Almost all countries of the world will be ruled by democracy.

The rise in global average temperature will be three degrees.

Portable MRI scanners will begin to be used, which will fit in one hand.

It will be possible to simultaneously create a billion computer models of the human brain.